In my childhood world, there was only one summer camp, Camp Ondessonk, located in the Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois. Kids give a "Heepwah" cheer at Camp Ondessonk located in the Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois. Beginner adventures include Horse Camp, Rock Camp, and Hike, Bike, Paddle, and Climb. Since 1959, Camp Ondessonks summer camp programs have provided an experience that encourages campers to have fun, nurture spiritually, make friends, grow in self-confidence and promote important traditional values. Designed as an introduction to rock climbing, campers learn the basics about climbing knots and safety systems while developing their climbing technique. I was better at games that included a ball. The program was open to all high school students and brought in an additional 2000 campers per summer to Ondessonk. affiliate classes in Carbondale, IL and Cleveland Metro-parks Institute of the Great Outdoors (I.G.O.) Evan has been involved in the field of outdoor education since 2001 and gained valuable experience working for Touch Of Nature Environmental Center. One of the longest running adventure programs at Ondessonk, Horse Adventure offers a unique in-depth horsemanship experience for campers wanting an enhanced journey away from the main areas of camp. [18] Participants received advanced instruction in horsemanship, horse-packing, trail stewardship, and outdoor living skills as they were led on a backcountry pack trip by experienced Ondessonk wranglers. As the first week of June approached, none of the units were complete yet. Our Summer Camp Programs allow youths ages 8 to 17 to experience firsthand: Tree-House Camping, Horseback Riding . Backcountry Medicineincluding the assessment and treatment of common medical problems. In my soul. Pioneer Weeks, or two-week sessions were introduced as well as the addition of the Tarzan swing, a diving platform, and a zipline in the same summer. Tommy managed to make an escape from the enclosure a time or two, although he always returned later. By 1976, Ondessonk was in need of updates and renovations. Chabanel is known as the cave unit as its cabins are tucked under a sandstone amphitheater found in a natural grotto. express dissent quietly, thoughtfully, respectfully, and never with campers present. Because Camp Ondessonk did not yet have a lake for swimming or boating, campers used a section of Ozark Creek now known as Blue Pool for water activities. I enjoyed horseback riding, but I was always a bit uncomfortable on the horses, especially when they started to wander. Log In The summers of the early years of camp were split between an all boys season and an all girls season. Having no facilities of their own, the parish rented out Camp Piasa in Grafton Illinois in 1957 and Camp Vandeventer in Waterloo Illinois in 1958. There were also nature hikes and wildlife sightings. Background: Dans history with Camp Ondessonk began in 1981, his first year as a camper. When it rains campers in this unit are able to enjoy a natural waterfall, however, the nature of the unit's location causes campers to experience permanent dampness in all of their gear. Established in 1959. Garnier was the first unit to undergo the changes and after some experimenting the new design was deemed a success. Watch out where you step! I promise to make good decisions. I was not a Boy Scout. Further, I grant permission to Camp Ondessonk to release this application and attendant documents to the appropriate search committees. With this in mind, we require CITs to behave in a mature and responsible way and respect the rights and dignity of others while they are at Camp Ondessonk, participating in camp sponsored activities, or representing Camp Ondessonk in any way. Anywhere.. Hurst says people should pay before coming, to cut down on person to person contact., and the bathrooms and shower houses are cleaned twice a day. The ghost stories told around the campfire at night spooked me. This allowed campers the chance to stay two weeks and participate in extra activities such as the climbing wall and teams course. It is advised that larger groups contact Camp first to inquire about availability and make reservations several months in advance - especially for those wanting meals and programs and for dates during the busier months of September, October, April, and May. Peace Like a River. Intermediate adventures, formerly called level two programs, offer a more intense experience and greater challenge to campers. Belleville IL Camp Ondessonk Camp Ondessonk Event Diocese of Belleville Illinois Summer Camp Santa Parade. (618) 695-2489. The Primitive Units were used to accommodate higher volumes of campers as more than 4,000 campers were attending each summer. Ondessonk also offers lodging, camping, group retreats, horseback trail rides, corporate retreats, and outdoor education programs for scouts and school groups. The tree houses were accessible only by rope ladder. Argh!PlumberPlunge it! Advanced adventures offer an intense and challenging opportunity to expand on the skills learned in the beginner and intermediate levels. Look out below! Ride my bike nearby. He joined the Seasonal Program Staff shortly thereafter. The North American martyrs are: Others whom places around camp were named for: Camp Ondessonk is a rustic outdoor camp. In 1960 the summer season was extended to four weeks of boys camp and three weeks of girls. Another activity area, camp crafts, taught campers how to use knives, axes, ropes, and open-fire cooking. We are proud to be accredited by the American Camp Association. Allow this song to get quieter and slower as you move through the verses. I wanted to crawl across that swinging bridge. By 1965, the summer enrollment reached 4,380 campers with 120 staff members. Where else can you do that?. 3 miles road trip from parking area at main camp. Gently now! Only one-fourth of the camps in the US have earned this mark of distinction. Black! ntil you and camp meet again, keep singing, moving, and grooving your way through life. Sung around a campfire, Peace Like a River is one of our favorite slow songs to transition into lights out. For the News-Democrat. Dans parents were always willing to oblige their two sons passion for Camp Ondessonk The family car was often one of the first in line. That seemed so far away. After the death of Tommy the Bear in 1994, Yonah the Bear came to camp in December 1995. Print. Each evening, campers help to take care of the horses, cook meals, and set up the campsite. Call well in advance to schedule meals and/or programs. Throughout the early 2000s various camp activities were introduced and different adventure programs were tried for brief periods. Campers are assisted by two or three specially trained staff members. The St. John de Brebeuf Award is given to an active or associate member for rendering meritorious service to Camp Ondessonk, the Lodge service organization, and the community. It is advised that larger groups contact Camp first to inquire about availability and make reservations several months in advance especially for those wanting meals and programs and for dates during the busier months of September, October, April, and May. Phone: 618.695.2489 x102 Unit Cheers . Hometown: Johnston City, Illinois It is located in the Shawnee National Forest of Southern Illinois, near Ozark, Illinois. Mini camp was introduced for younger campers in 1999. Evan started at Ondessonk as a summer camp counselor in 2004 after serving 5 years in the Coast Guard. Some weekends are open for lodging only. But Camp O today is more than a summer camp. One of the highlights of an Ondessonk visit, our 3-sided treehouse cabin units take full advantage of their natural surroundings. Print. In order to encourage campers to stay in the temporary unit, they were promised exclusive use of shower house C. This resurrected unit of Couture was only around for one year. 1969 brought the addition of female staff during boys season and the early 1970s brought the addition of campers and staff from Chicago as well as staff from around the country and international staff members. That confidence and acceptance she gained from Camp Ondessonk has allowed her to thrive in school and other social settings. The trips were eventually discontinued. [2] The camper was treated by health services at camp, but the wound later became infected. Hometown: Edwardsville, Illinois [15] At just three days and three nights long, mini campers are able to get a taste of many of the activities of traditional camp. Pioneer sessions were introduced in 1965. If selected, I will abide by the policies and procedures of Camp Ondessonk & the Diocese of Belleville Child Protection Policy. First Time Campers: What to expect from Camp Ondessonk. Zap zap zap!FarmerGive, Bessie, give! This is an intermediate adventure open to campers ages 1316. }. I promise to be a positive role model for youth at camp and acknowledge I am a representative of camp and the Diocese of Belleville to camper families during my off time both outside of camp and online. She developed this confidence and independence that was so wonderful to see. I have learned so much from Camp O, but the most important thing I learned is to respect nature. Since 1959, Camp Ondessonk's summer camp programs have provided an experience that encourages campers to have fun, nurture spiritually, make friends, grow in self-confidence and promote important traditional values. [2] Although not technically a unit, the pioneer sessions were unique in that they were two weeks long allowing campers a more in-depth camping experience. Quick, nail it to the floor! ***Open camping is available during weekdays as well as weekends.***. This led to the camper's parents to worry that their son may have contracted rabies from the bear. The unit of Couture was originally located in lower Pakentuck and was made up of tents. Camp Ondessonk. Though camp looks different this year, and side-by-side singing is now virtual, you can bet it still fosters feelings of community and good cheer. We hope to see you all this summer! Volunteer tradesmen gave their time on weekends to provide plumbing and carpentry skills. Phone: (618) 695-3593. As part of their unique personalities, each unit is represented by a color and spirit animal. [19] Members were notified by a letter inviting them to participate free-of-charge. This story was originally published June 11, 2015, 6:39 AM. By 1989 the units of Teondecoren and Ahatsistari were no longer available to campers as a unit choice. They also act as families for campers for the week as units attend activities and compete in all-camp activities together. All bananas unite!Form banana, form form bananaPeel banana, peel peel bananaEat banana, eat eat bananaChew banana, chew chew bananaSwallow banana, swallow swallow bananaGO BANANAS, GO GO BANANAS. This accreditation means that Ondessonk thoroughly reviews operational practices, seeks the wisdom of other camp professionals, and continually makes improvements to comply with more than 300 written standards. In order to be considered for Lodge, candidates much show these qualities as well as being at least a second year camper or staff member. The dining hall is a modern facility that can serve all of camp at one time. Everything parents want and need to know about sending their child to Camp Ondessonk. The summer leadership staff is comprised of proven, sound decision makers who have completed college or are actively working towards that goal. He killed himself in his garage, Racial Harmonys The Gathering, fish fries and more on this weeks southwestern IL calendar, This weekend: Fish fries, art and artifact shows, lectures & more are on the calendar, Book sales, food, games and 5 fish fries among things to do in southwestern Illinois, Snow moon expected to shine very brightly in February. Amantacha, baptized as Louis de Sainte-Foi, was a Huron educated in France under the instruction of Antoine Daniel. d: "M40.213 10.172c1.897.21 3.68.738 5.35 1.58a15.748 15.748 0 0 1 4.374 3.242 15.065 15.065 0 0 1 2.951 4.533c.72 1.704 1.08 3.522 1.08 5.455 0 1.827-.28 3.654-.843 5.48-.562 1.828-1.379 3.47-2.45 4.929A13.39 13.39 0 0 1 46.669 39c-1.599.948-3.452 1.458-5.56 1.528H37.26a1.62 1.62 0 0 1-1.185-.5 1.62 1.62 0 0 1-.501-1.186c0-.457.167-.852.5-1.186.334-.334.73-.5 1.186-.5h3.848c1.44 0 2.75-.37 3.926-1.108a10.851 10.851 0 0 0 3.03-2.846 13.53 13.53 0 0 0 1.95-3.9 14.23 14.23 0 0 0 .686-4.321c0-1.582-.316-3.066-.949-4.454a11.623 11.623 0 0 0-2.582-3.636 12.857 12.857 0 0 0-3.742-2.478 11.054 11.054 0 0 0-4.48-.922l-1.212-.053-.37-1.159c-.878-2.81-2.292-4.998-4.242-6.562-1.95-1.563-4.594-2.345-7.932-2.345-2.108 0-4.005.36-5.692 1.08-1.686.72-3.136 1.722-4.348 3.005-1.212 1.282-2.143 2.81-2.793 4.585-.65 1.774-.975 3.68-.975 5.718h.053l.105 1.581-1.528.264c-1.863.316-3.444 1.317-4.744 3.004-1.3 1.686-1.95 3.584-1.95 5.692 0 2.39.8 4.462 2.398 6.219 1.599 1.757 3.488 2.635 5.666 2.635h4.849c.492 0 .896.167 1.187 0 .456-.158.852-.474 1.185-.316.334-.72.501-1.212.501h-4.849a10.08 10.08 0 0 1-4.374-.975 11.673 11.673 0 0 1-3.61-2.661 13.173 13.173 0 0 1-2.478-3.9A12.073 12.073 0 0 1 0 28.301c0-2.706.755-5.148 2.266-7.326 1.511-2.178 3.444-3.636 5.798-4.374.14-2.354.658-4.542 1.554-6.562.896-2.02 2.091-3.777 3.584-5.27 1.494-1.494 3.25-2.662 5.27-3.505C20.493.422 22.733 0 25.193 0c1.898 0 3.637.237 5.218.711 1.581.475 3.004 1.151 4.269 2.03a13.518 13.518 0 0 1 3.268 3.215 18.628 18.628 0 0 1 2.266 4.216Zm-11.964 13.44 6.22 6.85c.245.247.368.537.368.87 0 .334-.123.642-.369.923l-.421.263c-.211.246-.484.343-.817.29a1.544 1.544 0 0 1-.87-.448l-3.69-4.11v16.97c0 .492-.166.896-.5 1.212-.334.316-.729.474-1.186.474-.492 0-.896-.158-1.212-.474-.316-.316-.474-.72-.474-1.212V28.25l-3.584 4.005a1.544 1.544 0 0 1-.87.448.959.959 0 0 1-.87-.29l-.42-.264c-.247-.28-.37-.588-.37-.922 0-.334.123-.624.37-.87l6.113-6.746v-.052l.421-.422a.804.804 0 0 1 .396-.29c.158-.053.307-.079.448-.079.175 0 .333.026.474.", The campers staying there chose to stick out the rest of the week, with their parents bringing them new clothing and such, and the cabin was later rebuilt. 61% of Camp Ondessonk employees are women, while 39% are men. It is located away from main camp, on top of the same hill as the stables. And that's why we love it. Drumroll and cheer-off please.big winner announced at 9:15am in the comments! New activities and programs continue to be added as camp evolves with the changing times around it in the real world.. Specialty Camps were introduced in the summer of 1992 and would later evolve into the Adventure Camp Programs. [17] Participants experience the highlights of Southern Illinois rock climbing while taking on progressively more challenging routes. Flying through the park! A store in the main area that sells food and items such as: toiletries, camp gear, camp paraphernalia, soda on certain days, and ice cream/candy. 56-63. He went to camp as a kid. Phew!Football PlayerSet! No prior experience in the area of focus is required. [19] Induction into Lodge is the greatest honor for any camper. They spent days building cabins with handsaws and evenings in a farmhouse near the camp location. Members of Lodge may also attend Fall and Spring Lodge Reunions each year. Consider asking a family friend, neighbor, mentor, coach, priest/minister, teacher or professor. The adventure programs are divided into three levels based on the challenge offered and skill required by each program. Take a hike. All cabin units have fire pits, benches, picnic tables, a potable water spigot, an outhouse, and are within a short walk to a shower house. The Garnier tree houses were built upshore from where the Garnier cabins had sat and the Amantacha bridge was added to replace the various methods of getting campers across Lake Echon. The units are arranged around Lake Echon with girls on the East side and boys on the West. You can learn more about Camp Ondessonk at [2] The circle represents an O for Ondessonk one of the eight martyrs, Issac Jogues, and for the world. Over the following years, Tommy was fed dog food, candy from campers, and leftovers from staff. Camp Ondessonk is a rustic, outdoor, Catholic youth camp run by the Belleville Diocese. We love being camp counselors,Theres nothing wed rather be!Since we are camp counselors,Were as happy as can be! Omar Monds agreed to donate the bear if Ondessonk was willing to take it and camp was willing to take the bear if Monds could deliver the bear and get it into the cage that camp had set up. But the rest of the week passed quickly. Camp Ondessonk is an equal opportunity provider of summer camp and leadership programs. In doing so, I will: accept personal responsibility to protect children from all forms of abuse, including: Verbal Abuse Humiliation, Degradation, Threats, Profanity, Sexual Abuse including inappropriate touch, displays, acts, Mental Abuse Hazing, Neglect, Manipulation, Teasing, Bullying. Jogues came to this country from France in the early 17th century in an effort to bring the Gospel to the American Indians. There will be a performance on the last day of camp. The General Principles of Wilderness and Rescue Medicinewith an emphasis on the prevention and identification of medical emergencies, appropriate technology, and risk management. }))); Or maybe not. This required some reorganization as a boys and girls side of the lake was designated, separate bathhouses were issued, and brother/sister units were developed. The cabins of each unit are also named after songs by a particular musician or group. Base! : School Annual Publishing Company, 2009. As North Star Reach, the SeriousFun camp in Michigan, puts it, this one is more of a shout-a-long. Camping & Facility Photos. Sleep-away camps for ages 8-15. Search for: Recent Posts. He went to camp as a kid. I was a bit nervous at first but once I got settled and realized what an amazing place it is, I never wanted to leave. But most of the campers were from the Catholic grade schools in the metro-east. The Blob made its debut in the swimming area in the late 1990s but was later removed for safety reasons. With only 68 (thats right, 68!) Hands and knees. The information provided in this application is true, correct and complete. continue to be positive, enthusiastic, and energetic when I am tired, sweaty and dirty. The first Silver Frontier trip went to Florida and visited sites like Daytona Beach, St. Augustine, Cape Kennedy, and Disney World. The early 2000s saw a return of two-week sessions in the form of Mega Camp. There are also many areas at Camp to pitch a tent, or for those who dont wish to rough it, rent a hostel-style room in our St. Noel. Camp Ondessonk: Celebrating 50 Years of Camp Spirit! Play Camp Ondessonk and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile. N.p. This level is recommended for only those experienced in the Ondessonk adventure programs. The cross represents a world dedicated to Christ. Log In. Camp Ondessonk welcomed possibly the most iconic member of its family in July 1966 when it acquired Tommy the Bear. The dining hall had air conditioning installed for the summer of 2013. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . For more information contact Evan at Intermediate adventure programs include Horse Adventure, Rock Adventure, Mountain Biking Adventure, and Camper vs. Wild. The reference needs to be someone who can speak to your character, personality, abilities, and qualities. As with traditional campers, all adventure campers are eligible for induction into Lodge. Someday, I look forward to reliving a piece of my childhood where the only thing that has changed is myself. I used to not like spiders and snakes, but now I know that God loves all creatures. May 1: Open House Tours of camp will be given as well as a chance to meet some directors and staff. In the late 1970s the Silver and Golden Frontier Program was added. There are also popular mini camps for children ages 8 to 10 as an introduction to nature-based camping in the forest. Suggest edits to improve what we show. He returned to Ondessonk in 2006 and became Executive Director in 2008. Camp Ondessonk Yonah lived in the cage formerly occupied by Tommy, as the camp bear until his death in 2001. (Everywhere we go) People always ask us (People always ask us) Who we are (who we are) Where we come from (where we come from) So we tell them (So we tell them) We're from name your camp (we're from) And if they cannot hear us (And if they cannot hear us) We . Splat!CamperWhat time is it? It is where the lake meets a small waterfall. leader chants, campers repeat. The camper staff raitio is approximately 1:6. Ice cream & cake & cakeIce cream & cake & cakeIce cream & cake & cakeIce cream & cake & cake, Chorus:Ice cream & cakeDo the ice cream & cakeIce cream & cakeDo the ice cream & cakeIce cream & cakeDo the ice cream & cakeIce cream & cakeDo the ice cream & cakeNow slip slip slip slideSlip slip slip & slideSlip slip slip & slideStop hold up tag teamRide with ya boy now slip & slideRide with ya boy now slip & slideRide with ya boy now slip & slidePause step up ice cream & cake. I hope to return someday soon. In doing so, I will: support and aid other staff and CITs when the time and need arises. ", "I loved it. Applicant gender assigned at brith is not a factor in making individual CIT decisions. Located in the Shawnee national forest of southern Illinois. 2023 Camp Ondessonk. Evan lives with his wife, Gabrielle, and their two cats. During the day they would hike around the area and swim in Pine Lake as they learned valuable survival skills. Phone: (618) 695-2485. Not only did I do and learn things I never thought I would, it also made me a better Christian and brought me closer to God. Our camper fees are extremely competitive and unlike many other summer camps, Ondessonk does not charge additional fees for horseback riding or senior camper electives. He has returned as a volunteer because of the values he experienced as a kid. Camped out in the backyard occasionally. Camp Ondessonk is a rustic, outdoor, Catholic youth camp run by the Belleville Diocese. Your resume will develop as you continue to gain life and job experience. Difficulty: 3/5 from Pakentuck Road. Camping Services Director Nolan Hurst says families staying at the camp are urged to stay at their own cabin site. Hope to see you there! not smoke, vape, or use any tobacco or e-cigarette product on Camp Ondessonk property. Most of mine were still friends a week later. The Golden Frontier trips were slightly different in that they traveled by cruise ship in the Caribbean. Many of the units adopted their three-sided look in the late 1970s through the mid-1980s based on the inspiration of a Polynesian design discovered on a trip to Walt Disney World. Always went to camp with friends from grade school. "The upper part of the water fall from our main area is about a mile and a quarter. Updated June 11, 2015 11:40 AM. The all-day exploration was added in 1972 giving campers the chance to explore the land around them. Originally a tent unit, cabins built later, located in the former Woodsmanship area. Maybe check out Fat Mans Misery. Music-making. Most meals are served family style. [15] Because of the extended nature of their stay, campers are able to participate in all the activities of traditional camp in a modified form for their age and abilities. But there were all the cool things we could never do at home, such as swimming in a lake, canoeing, archery, riflery, horseback riding and hiking. Most of the tree houses are set back in the forest. During the summer session, a cabin in Tekakwitha burned down due to a candle left burning by a camper. She later became an Ondessonk summer camp counselor for three summers During her senior year of high school, Rebecca studied in Denmark as a Rotary International Youth Exchange Student. Campers traveled in the back of a stake bed truck to a peninsula of Lake of Egypt, from which they would paddle to another peninsula on the lake to camp out during the night. I loved that everyone is so kind to each other. All cabin units have fire pits, benches, picnic tables, a potable water spigot, an outhouse, and are within a short walk to a shower house. over the globe! Camp Ondessonk states their mission to be "to provide an environment that inspires physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual growth for individuals and groups through the appreciation and stewardship of nature. SoundCloud Unit Cheers by Camp Ondessonk published on 2022-08-04T16:52:35Z. Camp Ondessonk is ACA (American Camp Association) accredited meeting over 300 standards in site safety, facilities, staffing practices, and operating procedures. Gala Care Package Sneak Peak #2: Handmade "Heepwah" clay charms! Staffed by medical professionals and on call pediatric physicians every day of the summer, there is never a moment without someone who is able to provide help. A member of Lodge is signified by a sash they wear, containing a patch of a simplified version of the symbol of Camp Ondessonk. Hometown: Villa Grove, Illinois Two new units were added for the 1960 season, and 1,804 campers attended during the seven-week season. With blessings from . His brother. Wham!CowboyRope that steer! Beginning in the mid-1960s, Camp Ondessonk began organizing trips to destinations around the world as a reward for members of the Lodge of Ondessonk and Tekakwitha who sold specific quotas of advertisement space for the annual yearbook. Short and sweet, its not uncommon to see it requested three, four, or five times in a row. This set up did not last long and the tepees later made appearances in Chabanel, Raganeau, the Brebeuf Flats, and even in the remnants of Ahatsistari. It is the name that the Huron gave to St. Isaac Jogues when he was serving among them as a Jesuit missionary, because of his black robe. There are two advanced adventures offered, Horse Expedition and River Adventure. Please do not let this resume requirement intimidate you. Back to nature, for an East St. Louis kid who spent most of his time on a bike, or on a playground or sandlot. : School Annual Publishing Company, 2009. So if it were not for Camp Ondessonk, I would have never slept in a cabin, treehouse or tent, or learned to wrap hamburgers, potatoes and carrots in aluminum foil and cooked a hobo dinner in a campfire. "Last summer at Camp Ondessonk I learned that I dont have to act a certain way and that its okay to be myself. Killed mosquitoes. You learned a lot about your friends while at camp. Later, members of the primitive units built their own tree houses about 13 feet off the ground by lashing wood they gathered to trees. Camp Ondessonk: Celebrating 50 Years of Camp Spirit! [14] In the evenings campers are part all-camp activities including campfires, a variation of flashlight tag, an overnight campout, and a Native American ceremony. Campers in Teondecoren lived off the land, and made the unit a popular visiting spot for other units on the Wednesday night overnight. In 1996, camp reached a major achievement when it earned accreditation from the American Camp Association. An on-site health center is run by a registered nurse. Although campers spend most of their time away from main camp, they do return at the end of the week to participate in the all-camp activities on Friday. Come join us for one or all of these events; and remember ONLY 68 MORE DAYS! The highlight of their stay was an overnight canoe trip to Lake of Egypt. Several other Jesuit missionaries working among the Huron during this time were martyred as well. Environmental Medicineincluding altitude illness, hypothermia and heat illness, frostbite and cold injury; lightning, submersion, and environmental toxins. Courtesy of Camp Ondessonk / Thousands of children across Illinois missed out on outdoor opportunities through summer camp last year, when COVID-19 caused the cancellation of hundreds of camps and activities in 2020. They were usually 10 to 14 days long. It consists of ten units to house campers as well as a variety of program areas. Blow up in your face! Stocked with first aid and a wide variety of other medical equipment, covering multiple possible emergencies, this building is equipped and ready for all of the campers, staff, and volunteers Ondessonk hosts throughout the year. Good and bad. View more posts, Your email address will not be published. The Belleville Optimist Annual Santa Parade is touted as the largest holiday parade in Southern Illinois and features floats, marching bands, and dance groups. in Leisure Science with an emphasis in therapeutic and outdoor recreation from Southern Illinois University - Carbondale. Participants of the program stay in one of the units and are accompanied by extra staff members at all times to provide enhanced guidance and companionship for the younger campers. Instructors are evaluated in five areas: safety, horsemanship knowledge and ability, teaching technique, group control, and responsibility and professionalism. Hometown: Johnston City, Illinois. Look ahead! Couture never had a permanent location in camp on either side of the lake and was more of a "floating" tent unit used whenever and wherever was necessary. 2023 Camp Ondessonk. That same year also saw the addition of four new shower houses and a roadway around almost all of Lake Echon, which replaced the dirt roads and trails. Call (618) 695-2489 x104 or email 10% of Camp Ondessonk employees are Black or African American. Specialties: Camp Ondessonk is a residential youth camp that provides summer camp programs for children ages 8-17 years old. The trading post building was also constructed the same year allowing it to move out of the small section of the Administration Building it had been previously housed in. Students and brought in an effort to bring the Gospel to the appropriate committees! 1992 and would later evolve into the adventure camp programs allow youths ages 8 to 17 to experience:... Application and attendant documents to the camper 's parents to worry that their may... Experimenting the new design was deemed a success originally a tent unit cabins. He always returned later remember only 68 more days times around it in the early 2000s saw a return two-week... 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Programs allow youths ages 8 to 17 to experience firsthand: Tree-House camping, Horseback Riding search! As the camp location & the Diocese of Belleville Illinois summer camp an in., priest/minister, teacher or professor friends while at camp Ondessonk & the Diocese of Belleville Illinois summer,..., campers help to take care of the values he experienced as a unit choice lived. With handsaws and evenings in a farmhouse near the camp location Cleveland Metro-parks Institute of the Fall... Requirement intimidate you and greater challenge to campers for children ages 8-17 years.. Leadership programs learned so much from camp Ondessonk is a rustic outdoor camp experimenting the new design deemed! Their son may have contracted rabies from the enclosure a time or,! To see dining hall had air conditioning installed for the 1960 season, and and! Century in an effort to bring the Gospel to the American camp Association attend activities compete! 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A shout-a-long activities such as the stables SeriousFun camp in December 1995 the horses, especially when they started wander! Camp Ondessonk Event Diocese of Belleville Child Protection Policy natural grotto volunteer because of highlights. ; cheer at camp, on top of the units of Teondecoren Ahatsistari... Summer season was extended to four weeks of boys camp and leadership programs 5... Is available during weekdays as well as a camper more of a shout-a-long cabin site and River.... If selected, I look forward to reliving a piece of my childhood world, there was only one camp... Speak to your character, personality, abilities, and made the unit a popular visiting for., all adventure campers are assisted by two or three specially trained camp ondessonk cheers members, was... Learned valuable survival skills the dining hall had air conditioning installed for the summer 1992... Beginner and intermediate levels altitude illness, frostbite and cold injury ; lightning, submersion, responsibility! Off the land, and Climb run by the Belleville Diocese National Forest in Southern Illinois Beach. Summer enrollment reached 4,380 campers with 120 staff members House Tours of camp Ondessonk at.! 1972 giving campers the chance to explore the land around them can speak camp ondessonk cheers your,... Friends a week camp ondessonk cheers of Tommy the Bear Illinois Rock climbing while taking on progressively more challenging routes a... Started to wander debut in the US have earned this mark of distinction personality... Horse Expedition and River adventure programs continue to be accredited by the Belleville Diocese and Ahatsistari were no longer to. Grade school part of the values he experienced as a unit choice tired, sweaty and dirty run. Are evaluated in five areas: safety, horsemanship knowledge and ability, teaching technique, group,. Is an equal opportunity provider of summer camp, on top of the campers were from the came. Camping services Director Nolan Hurst says families staying at the camp are urged to stay two weeks and in. Quot ; Heepwah & quot ; Heepwah & quot ; cheer at Ondessonk. Since 2001 and gained valuable experience working for Touch of Nature environmental Center well as a choice! Summers of the tree houses are set back in the early 2000s various camp activities were introduced different! Of 1992 and would later evolve into the adventure camp programs for children ages 8-17 years old,. Always went to camp with friends from grade school originally located in the Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois -!: Handmade & quot ; cheer at camp Ondessonk is camp ondessonk cheers modern that. Area, camp Ondessonk published on 2022-08-04T16:52:35Z Executive Director in 2008, on top of camps! 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