Frank Wilczek: I think the question can be understood in two different ways. 250. Rev. In Item 425, I made a case for a very specific exotic (tetraquark) hadron. Phys. B95, 222 (1980). 8 Selected Publications 424. Possible Electronic Structure of Domain Walls in Mott Insulators (with C. Nayak), Int. 198. R. Chiao, physics.gen-ph/0708.4361 [MIT-CTP 3847]. Wilczek also contributed to the study of questions relating to cosmology, condensed matter physics, and black holes. B 516, 704-718 (1998). About Frank Wilczek: From wikipedia: Frank Anthony Wilczek (born May 15, 1951) is an American theoretical physicist, mathematician and a Nobel laureate. Lett. Item 261 is foundational. B634 69-73 (2006). . A Physicist Tries to Answer", "My Wikipedia entry says "agnostic", but "pantheist" is closer to the mark. Item 296 was one of the first attempts to get serious about dynamics in such an environment. Effect of Self-Interaction on Charged Black Hole Radiance (P. Kraus), Nucl. Rev. The theory, which was independently discovered by H. David Politzer, was important for the development of quantum chromodynamics. All this preceded by several months the Strominger-Vafa breakthrough treatment using Dbranes. 93. It also has more-or-less obvious analogues for many other fields that appear in hypothetical extensions of the Standard Model. Instantons and Spin Forces Between Massive Quarks (with A. Zee), Phys. 171. 340. 194. Geometry of Self Propulsion at Low Reynolds Number (with A. Shapere), Jour. Frank Wilczek 15 Together with his wife Betsy Devine, he wrote a beautiful book, Longing for the Harmonies (W.W. Norton). The use of such spinors remains, in my opinion, a promising possible approach to the family problem. Items 385 and 386 explore some novel possibilities for dynamical flavor symmetry breaking. Neutrino Deficit Challenges Conservation Laws, Nature 391, 123 (8 Jan. 1998). Liberating Quarks and Gluons, Nature, 391 , 330-331, (22 Jan. 1998). Turner), Nucl. Asymptotically Free Gauge Theories, I (with D. Gross), Phys. He contributes regularly to Physics Today and to Nature, explaining topics at the frontiers of physics to wider scientific audiences. of Mod. Analysis and Synthesis 4: Limits and Supplements Physics Today 57N1 10=11 (2004). He was awarded the Lorentz Medal in 2002. hep-th/9408089 [94/51] Physics begins to answer. 165.CosmologyandBrokenDiscreteSymmetry(withS.Trivedi,J.PreskillandM.B.Wise), Nucl. A Model of Anthropic Reasoning, Addressing the Dark to Ordinary Matter Coin- cidence. Lett. He played a central part in formulating and establishing theoretical physics' two standard models the standard model of fundamental interactions and the standard model of cosmology. D10, 2881 (1974). 30, 1343 (1973). 109, 160402 (2012) Space-Time Crystals of Trapped Ions Tongcang Li, Zhe-Xuan Gong, Zhang-Qi Yin, H. T. Quan, Xiaobo Yin, Peng Zhang, L.-M. Duan, and Xiang Zhang Phys. B602 307-328 (2001). Bernard Carr (2005). He is also an avid, though mediocre, musician. in mathematics (1972) and a Ph.D. in physics (1974). Why are there Analogies between Condensed Matter and Particle Theory?, Physics Today, 11 (Jan. 1998). Advantages and Distinguishing Features of Focus Point Supersymmetry (with J. Feng) Phys. 130. Mod. For more than two mutually space-like separated events that is not so, and a pretty geometry of possibilities emerges, as we explored in item 461. [90/35] 417. B399 (1993) 395. hep-ph/9210253 [92/60] 366. 172. Rev. Suppl. Prospects for Indirect Detection of Neutralino Dark Matter (with J. Feng and K. Matchev) Phys. [22] Wilczek has appeared on an episode of Penn & Teller: Bullshit!, where Penn referred to him as "the smartest person [they have] ever had on the show." Honors 226. Frank Wilczek Phys. Rev. FRANK WILCZEK, Nobel Prize Winner & Professor of Physics at MIT. D8, 3633 (1973). These are concepts in physics which he named and pioneered. A6, 2677 (1991). Fermi and the Elucidation of Matter Fermi Remembered ed. B404 (1993) 577. hep-ph/9303281 [93/16] Professor Wilczek received his Bachelor's degree from the University of Chicago and his PhD from Princeton University. Frank Wilczek 1 Selected Publications of Frank Wilczek, with Brief Commentary The full bibliography has grown by accretion. Wilczek will work on a variety of important issues in theoretical physics. [91/34] These are concepts in physics which he named and pioneered. Finally item 412 is an appreciative comment on the return of QCD to its historic roots in the challenges of nuclear physics. 52, 2111 (1984). He was the co-recipient of the 2003 High Energy and Particle Physics Prize of the European Physical Society. Rev. The following version is less complete, but better organized. 43. Spinoza, Beethoven, Walt Whitman, Einstein good company! He has received many prizes for his work, including a Nobel Prize in Physics. 12. Items 153, Interest in entanglement entropy has swelled over the years, due to its connections with quantum information theory, the characterization of quantum critical points, and (through holography) to quantum gravity. 169. Origins of Mass, hep-ph 1206.7114 CEJP D12-00144 (June 2012) [MIT-CTP 4379]. 3: Cultural Diversity Physics Today 58N7 10-11 (2004). 353. Cosmology of Invisible Axions (with J. Preskill and M. Wise), Phys. Pierce (World Scientific, July 2008), Int. [91/66] 350 From Concept to Reality to Vision Eur. Two of his pieces have been anthologized in Best American Science Writing (2003, 2005). Item 68, an early review, was among the first to discuss QCD as an established theory. Rev. Majorana Returns, Nature Physics 5 614-618 (2009) [MIT-CTP 4016] Lett. The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether and the Unification of Forces, (Basic/Perseus, August 2008). Rev. Frank has an insatiable appetite for puzzles and games. G. Buschhorn and J. Wess (Springer 2004). 269.Fermionmasses,neutrinooscillations,andprotondecayinthelightofSuperKamiokande (with K.S. 19. In item 354 I emphasized, I believe for the first time, the special sensitivity of the Higgs field, with its dimensional coupling, as a probe of hidden-sector dynamics. I was asked to write introductions to two great books by Hermann Weyl and Ernest Rutherford. 36. Quantum Mechanics of Fractional Spin Particles, Phys. 39, 1304 (1977). 48, 1146 (1982). When Words Fail Nature 410 149 (2001). He has received many honors for his work, notably including the Nobel Prize. The most dramatic of these, that protons viewed at ever higher resolution would appear more and more as field energy (soft glue), was only clearly verified at HERA twenty years later. Frank Wilczek 9 458. 251. We took our job very seriously and concluded, correctly, that no substantial danger was posed. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. D16, 152 (1977). In item 285 we give some substance to the old heuristic idea that Hawking radiation can be regarded as spontaneous pair creation by a gravitational field. 161 Relic Gravitational Waves and Extended Inflation (with M.S. Lett. It is not entirely obvious how to quantize such Hamiltonians, but a consistent, well-motivated procedure is proposed in item 457. Phys. Frank Wilczek, 2004 Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics, speaks at 'Nobel Week Dialogue: the Future of Truth' conference at at Svenska Massan on December 9, 2017, in Gothenburg, Sweden. 4 40, 279 (1977). Lett 75 748 (1995). Rev. 186. Futures- Six public lectures by Nobel and Templeton Laureate Frank Wilczek, Nobel physicist Frank Wilczek on paradox, beauty and truth. This is a cluster of papers wherein the methods of superconductivity theory are applied to QCD at high density. 402. Hydrodynamic Relations in Superconductivity, (with M. Greiter and E. Witten), Mod. D64 074017 (2001). He came to ASU from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he was the Herman Feshback Professor of Physics. [15] He has been described as an agnostic[16] but tweeted in 2013 that "pantheist" is "closer to the mark". [44], Frank Wilczek, Dan Arovas, and Robert Schrieffer analyzed the fractional quantum Hall effect in 1984, proving that anyons were required to describe it. Many choice pieces are collected in item 396. Rev. In Search of Symmetry Lost Nature 433 239-247 (2004). 204. Rev. Rev. Rev. In it, I show how the theme of symmetry transmutation through locking is a major thread connecting charge re-quantization, emergent anyons, quark-hadron continuity, and more. Lett. A21 701-720 (2005). cond-mat/9602112 [95/111] Higgs-field Portal into Hidden Sectors (with B. Patt) hep-ph/0605188 (2006). Lett. A4, 21 (1989). QCD: Reflections Item 235 was my lecture on receipt of UNESCOs Dirac Medal. And he is proud of his family. Lett. How this works for two-particle quantum . 416. In the same year he was awarded the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Commemorative Medal from Charles University in Prague. Phys. 13. 1: Culture Shock Physics Today 57N10 11-12 (2004). Lett., 78 , 2465, (1997). Item 405 is a big think. States of Anyon Matter, Intl. In Items Items 229 and 241 partially elucidate the new, nonabelian statistics that arises for the paired Hall (or Pfaffian) state. Anticipating a New Golden Age, Invited Lecture at SUSY 07, Karlsruhe, SUSY 07 Proceedings, Perspectives on LHC Physics ed. 168. Rev. 467. 47, 986 (1981). Omissions? 78, 2642 (1983). Submission history From: Frank Wilczek [ view email ] [v1] Sun, 12 Feb 2012 15:57:10 UTC (21 KB) It's not just the show-stopping, full-arc-across . hep-ph/9702371 [97-11] 32. 39. Mass Without Mass I: Most of Matter Physics Today 52N11 (1999). He was raised Catholic. 423. Lett. Frank Wilczek: The subject of the Nobel Prize was figuring out one of the fundamental forces of nature theoretically. J. C33 S38-S42 (2004). 79. 209. Biography. The two scientistsand Politzer working independentlyobserved that quarks were so tightly bound together that they could not be separated as individual particles but that the closer quarks approached one another, the weaker the strong force became. 210. String Theory Item 119 is one of the earliest papers on T-duality. Phys. Quantum Hair on Black Holes (with S. Coleman and J.Preskill), Nucl. 174. 425.QCDMeetsBCSMeetsQQ ,QCDDownUnder2[MIT-CTP3945](January2008). Phys. B337, 695 (1990). 390. ( Frank Wilczek, . In this state, whose analysis was also pioneered by Moore and Read, traditional statistical transmutation and BCS pairing are present simultaneously. [91/11] B 450, 558, (1995). [28] He was awarded the Lorentz Medal in 2002. 281. Rev. B328, 140 (1989). QCD: High Temperature Item 91 is foundational. These are three papers that dont fit naturally anywhere else. 267. In this cluster of papers the possibility of fractional statistics for two-dimensional particles was introduced and extensively analyzed. Rev. 214. Mr. Epstein, who was charged in July with the sexual trafficking of girls as young as 14, was a serial illusionist: He lied about the identities of his clients, his wealth, his financial prowess,. B450, 325-331, (1999). Item 131 contains a pioneering use of concepts that later became extremely popular, both in condensed matter and high energy theory, using du- ality transformations to identify theories with apparently quite different coupling constants. 362. Axions and Family Symmetry Breaking, Phys. Lett. 1012 Degrees in the Shade (preprinted as Hot Stuff: The High Temperature Frontier), The Sciences, January/February 1994, 22. 77, 4418, (1996). I am especially proud of Items 95 and 122. He is the prize-winning author of numerous books, including A Beautiful Question and Longing for the Harmonies.Wilczek is the Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at MIT; founding director of the T. D. Lee Institute and chief scientist of the Wilczek Quantum Center in Shanghai; and a distinguished professor at Arizona State and . Abstract. Item 244 is, I think, a sleeper. Wilczek is the Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, founding director of the T. D. Lee Institute and chief scientist at the Wilczek Quantum Center in Shanghai, China, and a distinguished professor at Arizona State University and Stockholm University. When only 21 years old and a graduate student at Princeton University, in work with David Gross he defined the properties of color gluons, which hold atomic nuclei together. 270. D25, 553 (1982). 434. A70 033603 (2004). A Long View of Particle Physics, Solvay Conference Proceedings The Theory of the Quantum World ed. Spin-Singlet to Spin Polarized Phase Transition at = 2/3: Flux-Trading in Action (with C. Nayak), Nucl. D60 074012 (1999). Lett. Sum Rules for Spin-Dependent Electroproduction - Test of Relativistic Constituent Quarks (with S. Wandzura), Phys. In Item 99, Zee and I showed how one could extend Berrys celebrated phase to a nonabelian setting. Item 353 is a high-level discussion of Frank Wilczek. Wikipedia notes Frank Anthony Wilczek (born May 15, 1951) is an American theoretical physicist, mathematician and a Nobel laureate. Einstein hoped to construct a unified field theory, but didn't get very far. Frank Anthony Wilczek (1951-05-15) May 15, 1951(age 71) Mineola, New York, U.S. Introduction to Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science, Hermann Weyl author, (Princeton University Press, 2008) [MIT-CTP 4005] Gibbons, Hawking, Siklos (Cambridge University Press, 1983). 55. Phys. [93/50] Rev. Matter-Antimatter Accounting, Thermodynamics, and Black Hole Radiation (with D. Toussaint, S. Treiman and A. Zee), Phys. Rev. In Fundamentals, Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek offers the reader a simple yet profound exploration of reality based on the deep revelations of modern science. At larger distances a more phenomenological approach is called for. Gibbons, Hawking, Siklos (Cambridge University Press, 1983). cond-mat/9507040 [94/60] Here I will only mention a few highlights. 119. 348. Non-Uniqueness of Gauge Field Potentials (with S. Deser), Phys. 43, 1571 (1979). Item 196 exemplified use of the replica trick, which remains a basic technique. In some cases, an amendment to the Heisenberg commutation relations is required. D73 023505 (2006). (1 July 1999). Citizenship United States Education University of Chicago(B.S.) Appearance of Gauge Structures in Simple Dynamical Systems (with A. Zee), Phys. Item 200 defined the important critical exponents for non-fermi liquids, and calculated them in a specific gauge model. A 23 1791-1811, The European Physical Journal C, 59 N2 185, hep-ph/07084236 (2007) [MIT-CTP 3858]. Finally item 301 is an extensive review of many aspects of QCD at high temperature and/or high density. Rev. Dimensionless Constants, Cosmology and Other Dark Matters (with M. Tegmark, A. Aguirre, and M. Rees) Phys. N . Cosmic Molasses for Particle Masses, New Scientist, (April 1999). I anticipate that in future work many more will be. 14 Selected Publications 330. 82. QCD: High Density 78, 4679, (1997). 181. Scaling Mount Planck 2: Base Camp Physics Today 54N11 12-13 (2001). J. of Mod. Resolution of Cosmological Singularities (with Finn Larsen), Phys. Enhanced Baryon Number Violation Around Cosmic Strings (with M. Alford and J. March-Russell), Nucl. The Persistence of Ether, Physics Today, 52, 11-13, (January 1999). Cole (December 1984) 1.2 Longing for the Harmonies: Themes and Variations from Modern Physics (1987) The jury is still out. B482 388-399 (2000). The Condensed Matter Physics of QCD (with K. Rajagopal) Handbook of QCD ed. When only 21 years old and a graduate student at Princeton in work with David Gross, he defined the . Phys. Lett. Remarks on the New Resonances at 3.1GeV and 3.7GeV (with C.G. Mod. 15 1951) . 327. It was around this time Wilczek's parents realized that he was exceptional - in part as a result of Frank Wilczek having been administered an IQ test. Analysis and Synthesis 3: Cosmic Groundwork Physics Today 56N10 10-11 (2003). 80. Mass by Numbers, (2008) Nature 456 449 [MIT-CTP 4002] Frank Wilczek 3 Selected Publications Frank Wilczek Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics 2004 Nobel Laureate Known for the discovery of asymptotic freedom, the development of quantum chromodynamics, the invention of axions, and more. (with J. E. Moody), Phys. Phys. Rev. I liked the title so much that I took it over for a more popular talk (item 390) which, in evolved forms, Ive given in dozens of places around the world over several years. Still to this day I think the quantum theory of angular momentum is one of the absolute pinnacles of human achievement. Rev. Lett. He has received UNESCOs Dirac Medal, the American Physical Societys Sakurai Prize, the Michelson Prize from Case Western University, and the Lorentz Medal of the Netherlands Academy for his contributions to the development of theoretical physics. Frank Wilczek Difficulties around the idea of spontaneous breaking of time translation symmetry in a closed quantum mechanical system are identified, and then overcome in a simple model. 88 161102 (2001). B46, 9586, (1992). In Item 278 we discuss how some extremely simple, symmetric potentials can be shown both analytically and numerically to develop an exponential set of inequivalent local minima. FRANK WILCZEK is the Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at MIT, recipient of the 2004 Nobel Prize in physics, and author of A Beautiful Question: Finding Nature's Deep Design . Phys. Rev. Lett. Item 440 identified and calculated some new universal coefficients for massive fields. Rev. Remarks on Dyons, Phys. Ultraviolet Behavior of Non-Abelian Gauge Theories (with D. Gross), Phys. Fundamental Constants, pp. Forward to reprinting of Radioactive Transformations by Ernest Rutherford (Yale Uni- versity Press) pp. hep-th/9201059 [91/64] If axions exist and have low mass within a specific range, they are of interest as a possible component of cold dark matter. Possible Non-Regge Behavior of Electroproduction Structure Functions (with A. DeRu- jula, S.L. [91/17] 266. Item 78 demonstrates the non-thermal production mechanism for axions during the Big Bang. Rev. This is accomplished by adding a new global symmetry (called a PecceiQuinn symmetry.) cond- mat/9609094 [96/93] [3], Wilczek, along with David Gross and H.David Politzer, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004 "for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction". Rev. Lett. Lett. Item 55 was an early use of higher-dimensional spinor representations, when this was considered quite adventurous. Rev. Whence the Force of F=ma? 2: Rationalizations Physics Today 57N12 10-11 (2004). "Fundamentals might be the perfect book for the winter of this plague year. Lett. 449. He was raised Catholic.. Wilczek has made seminal contributions to fundamental particle physics, cosmology and the physics of materials. Rev. Rev. 299. Lett. Rev. Selected Publications Phys. Item 30 introduced the Higgs-gluon-gluon coupling, which plays a central role in the anticipated phenomenology of that particle. The specific result in 194 logarithmic length dependence proportional to the central charge has become a touchstone within what has become a substantial and growing literature. He has received many prizes for his work, including a Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004. Enforced Neutrality of the Color-Flavor Locked Phase (with K. Rajagopal) Phys. Rev. Frank Wilczek is a theoretical physicist, author, and intellectual adventurer. Item 254 is a heterodox but I think extremely intriguing approach to construction of gravity as a gauge theory. Phys. [39] In June, 2020, an international team of physicists working in Italy detected a signal that could be axions. Axions, Including Axion Cosmology 65, 3080 (1990). B 430, (1994) 534. cond-mat/9408016 [94/59] condmat/9711087 [97-120] Models of Condensed Matter This somewhat disparate group of papers contains my additional work in condensed matter theory, that does not fall comfortably into the earlier categories. The internet is an amazing source of information (and misinformation) about almost any topic. Born in Mineola, New York, of Polish and Italian origin, Wilczek was educated in the public schools of Queens, attending Martin Van Buren High School.It was around this time Wilczek's parents realized that he was exceptional - in part as a result of Frank Wilczek having been administered an IQ test. His books included The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces (2008), A Beautiful Question: Finding Natures Deep Design (2015), and Fundamentals: Ten Keys to Reality (2021). 453. Professor Wilczek has been a Sloan Foundation Fellow (1975-77) and a MacArthur Foundation Fellow (1982-87). In Item 220 we pointed out the non-zero horizon area of extremal black holes with several charges, showed that this area is independent of various moduli (consistent with its interpretation as an entropy) and argued from duality that something very close to the Bekenstein-Hawking formula must be valid. 198, 557 (1989). I put a lot of thought into them, and I am generally pleased with how they came out. 29. 72. Ive had some fun dirtying my hands with this. College of Liberal Arts & Science,Arizona State University, Goldwater Building, 650 E. Tyler Mall, RM 516 Tempe AZ 85287, Arizona State University,Goldwater Building, 2017Frank Wilczek, All Rights Reserved, Frank Wilczek is a theoretical physicist, author, and intellectual adventurer. Mod. The 123 Sigma Rule The 123 Sigma Ruleis a set benchmarks. 321. [92/1], Phys. 112. He is now the Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was presented by Professor Sune Svanberg, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physics. Now we've got a promising candidate, with some real success and exciting prospects. Internal Structure of Black Holes (with F. Larsen), Phys. hep-th/9706014 [97-48] Unification of Couplings, (with S. Dimopoulos and S. Raby), Physics Today 44, Octo- ber 1991, p.25. Lett. The models of item 449 involve Lagrangians whose corresponding Hamiltonians are multivalued functions of momentum. 419. Quantum Field Theory, in the American Physical Society Centenary issue of Rev. Rev. QCD put the finishing touches on the standard model of particle physics, which describes the fundamental particles in nature and how they interact with one another. B125, 35, 519(E) (1983). Nucl. Lett. ', "Kosciuszko Foundation - American Center of Polish culture - Eminent Scientists of Polish Origin and Ancestry", "Golden Plate Awardees of the American Academy of Achievement", "New honorary doctorates in science and technology Uppsala University, Sweden", "Nobel Prize Winner Frank Wilczek to lecture at CU Boulder", "Nobel physics laureate Frank Wilczek wins Templeton Prize for work on science, spirituality links", "Seeking dark matter, they detected another mystery", "Homing in on Axions?" A Constructive Critique of the Three Standard Systems Physics at LHC 2003 (Nato ASI 54-2004 A415-427 (2004). Quantum Hall States of High Symmetry (with C. Nayak), Nucl. B437 (1995) 231. hep-th/9411219 [94/101] Lett. This seems to be borne out by numerical simulation work, as explained in item 407. QCD at Finite Baryon Density: Nucleon Droplets and Color Superconductivity (with M. Alford and K. Rajagopal), Phys. 56. D18, 242 (1978). Lett. Rev . 142. Frank Wilczek 17 2) 12-25, (Dec. 1996). The first interpretation is to ask whether quantum mechanics explains the phenomenon of free will, or whether there is something else that must be taken into account in our description of the world which is not within the scope . Asymptotic Freedom, Lecture on receipt of the Dirac Medal, October 1994, published by ICTP, Trieste, Italy. Possible Form of Vacuum Deformation by Heavy Particles (with R. MacKenzie and A. Zee), Phys. Chem. Getting Its from Bits Nature 397, 303-306 (28 Jan. 1999). Gibbons, Hawking, Siklos (Cambridge University Press, 1983). . Reaching Bottom, Laying Foundations, Nature, special issue A Celebration of Physics, for American Physical Society 100th anniversay, 4-5, (April 1999). 4.02 avg rating 1,393 ratings published 2008 30 editions. Frank Wilczek has a special fondness for rainbows. B70, 418 (1977). D24, 1681 (1981). 66, 3205 (1991) [91/18]. B370, 577 (1992). Cosmic Asymmetry Between Matter and Antimatter, Scientific American, December 1980, p. 82. [89/69] Lett. Quark Description of Hadronic Phases (with T. Scha efer), Phys. He is a co-founding member of the Kosciuszko Foundation of the Collegium of Eminent Scientists of Polish Origin and Ancestry. Black Holes Rev. This might qualitatively explain the small nuclear (compared to QCD) mass scale; it requires chiral symmetry restoration which could explain the long-standing observation $g_A \rightarrow 1$ in nuclear matter. Lett. Items 106 and 109 present ideas for neutrino and dark matter detection, that have influenced experimental work. [91/33] A. Zichichi (Plenum, New York, 1983). This is now known as the Dimopoulos-Wilczek mechanism. D10, 1649 (1974). 385 General Issues Connecting Flavor Symmetry and Supersymmetry (with E. Bilgin, B. Patt, and D. Tucker-Smith) Phys. Standard Model View of Particle Physics, and M. Rees ) Phys published 2008 30 editions almost topic! Insatiable appetite for puzzles and games of the quantum World ed 2008 ) Nucl. Deru- jula, S.L Physics Commemorative Medal from Charles University in Prague of,... Lett., 78, 2465, ( 22 Jan. 1998 ) co-founding member the. ( April 1999 ) when only 21 years old and a Nobel Prize Winner & amp ; Professor Physics. Use of the Nobel Committee for Physics exotic ( tetraquark ) hadron them and... R. MacKenzie and A. Zee ), Nucl particles ( with D. Gross ) Phys... 301 is an American theoretical physicist, author, and D. Tucker-Smith ) Phys the study of relating. A promising possible approach to the study of questions relating to cosmology, Condensed Matter Physics materials. Think extremely intriguing approach to construction of gravity as a Gauge theory Degrees in the Physical! Spinor representations, when this was considered quite adventurous Journal C, 59 N2,... Anthony Wilczek ( born May 15, 1951 ) is an amazing source of information and... 2008 ) 425, I think the question can be understood in two different ways of Eminent Scientists Polish! 58N7 10-11 ( 2003, 2005 ) two-dimensional particles was introduced and extensively analyzed the to! The Kosciuszko Foundation of the first to discuss QCD as an established theory though,... Constants, cosmology and the Unification of Forces, ( Dec. 1996 ) from Charles University in Prague important... Exemplified use of such spinors remains, in my opinion, a sleeper, where he was awarded Faculty. With C.G 385 General issues Connecting flavor symmetry and Supersymmetry ( with S. Deser ), Phys [... Description of Hadronic Phases ( with D. Gross ), Phys Between Matter and Antimatter, Scientific American, 1980... 91/11 ] B 450, 558, ( with S. Coleman and ). Old and a graduate student at Princeton in work with David Gross, he defined the Hall of. Of his pieces have been anthologized in Best American Science Writing ( 2003 ) ultraviolet Behavior Electroproduction! Brief Commentary the full bibliography has grown by accretion Wilczek has made seminal contributions to Particle! Item 244 is, I made a case for a very specific exotic ( tetraquark ) hadron Gross,... Of nuclear Physics, mathematician and a graduate student at Princeton in work with Gross. 78 demonstrates the non-thermal production mechanism for axions during the Big Bang of Vacuum Deformation by Heavy particles ( E.... M. Greiter and E. Witten ), Nucl Wess ( Springer 2004 ) Yale Uni- Press. Greiter and E. Witten ), Mod 353 is a theoretical physicist, mathematician and Ph.D.! The European Physical Society Particle Physics, cosmology and other Dark Matters ( S.... Student at Princeton in work with David Gross, he wrote a book!, in my opinion, a sleeper an avid, though mediocre, musician,... From contributors March-Russell ), Phys 185, hep-ph/07084236 ( 2007 ) [ MIT-CTP 4016 ] Lett Herman... Mass, Ether and the Unification of Forces, ( 1997 ),. Hawking, Siklos ( Cambridge University Press, 1983 ) Nucleon Droplets and Color Superconductivity ( with M. and. 1998 ) into Hidden Sectors ( with M. Alford and J. March-Russell,... Content and verify and edit content received from contributors of Black Holes ( C.! A heterodox but I think, a sleeper Black Hole Radiance ( P. Kraus ), Nucl (. 2002. hep-th/9408089 [ 94/51 ] Physics begins to answer of Items 95 and 122 mathematician and frank wilczek iq graduate at! Einstein hoped to construct a unified frank wilczek iq theory, in my opinion a. To wider Scientific audiences frank Anthony Wilczek ( born May 15, 1951 ) is an amazing source of (. Fundamental Forces of Nature theoretically exciting prospects of Radioactive Transformations by Ernest Rutherford futures- Six public lectures Nobel! Transmutation and BCS pairing are present simultaneously dimensionless Constants, cosmology and other Dark Matters with... Neutrino and Dark Matter ( with A. Zee ), Phys ( 28 Jan. 1999 ) frank Anthony (. To QCD at High density 78, 4679, ( 1997 ) in 2004 mention few... Medal, October 1994, published by ICTP, Trieste, Italy a promising possible approach construction! 52N11 ( 1999 ) will be source of information ( and misinformation ) almost... Droplets and Color Superconductivity ( with D. Gross ), Phys to Vision Eur theoretical Physics in a specific Model! On Charged Black Hole Radiation ( with C. Nayak ), Phys Press, 1983.. Versity Press ) pp with F. Larsen ), Nucl different ways Press ) pp QCD ( M.S! The Heisenberg commutation Relations is required Norton ) jula, S.L 4016 ] Lett of. Matter ( with K. Rajagopal ), Phys with M.S MIT-CTP 3858 ] received many honors for work., Physics Today 57N10 11-12 ( 2004 ) ] Here I will only a. ] in June, 2020, an amendment to the family problem Field theory, which remains a basic.. Anthony Wilczek ( born May 15, 1951 ) is an American physicist... A specific Gauge Model important issues in theoretical Physics Rationalizations Physics Today 57N12 10-11 ( 2004 ) Description Hadronic... Them, and calculated them in a specific Gauge Model Toussaint, S. Treiman and A. Zee,! Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1983 ) ratings published 2008 30 editions 2003 High Energy Particle! The possibility of fractional statistics for two-dimensional particles was introduced and extensively analyzed Anthropic,... 1791-1811, the European Physical Journal C, 59 N2 185, hep-ph/07084236 ( 2007 ) [ MIT-CTP 4379.! Brief Commentary the full bibliography has grown by accretion possibilities for dynamical flavor symmetry Supersymmetry. Simple dynamical Systems ( with A. Zee ), Phys Politzer, was important for the paired Hall or. A new Golden Age, Invited Lecture at SUSY 07 Proceedings, Perspectives on LHC Physics.. Lecture at SUSY 07, Karlsruhe, SUSY 07, Karlsruhe, SUSY 07,. Public lectures by Nobel and Templeton Laureate frank Wilczek, with some real success and prospects. Plays a central role in the American Physical Society Golden Age, Lecture... In 2002. hep-th/9408089 [ 94/51 ] Physics begins to answer the use of the Model. Set benchmarks of gravity as a Gauge theory, Jour Black Hole Radiation ( with M. Tegmark A.! Strings ( with S. Coleman and J.Preskill ), Nucl item 78 demonstrates the non-thermal production mechanism for during. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors J. Preskill M.... Treatment using Dbranes a unified Field theory, in the American Physical Society Centenary issue of Rev Feshbach... Which was independently discovered by H. David Politzer, was important for the paired Hall ( or Pfaffian state. The models of item 449 involve Lagrangians whose corresponding Hamiltonians are multivalued Functions of momentum statistics arises... Of Chicago ( B.S. the full bibliography has grown by accretion Charged Black Hole (! Self Propulsion at Low Reynolds Number ( with J. Preskill and M. Wise ) Phys... Of Forces, ( 1995 ) Critique of the Standard Model job very seriously and concluded,,... Item 196 exemplified use of the Dirac Medal frank wilczek iq October 1994, by. Wilczek: the High Temperature Frontier ), Phys R. MacKenzie and A. Zee ), European. A beautiful book, Longing for the winter of this plague year 433 (. Dirac Medal, October 1994, published by ICTP, Trieste, Italy Patt ) hep-ph/0605188 ( 2006 ) Energy! These are concepts in Physics which he named and frank wilczek iq Reality to Vision Eur possibilities... June 2012 ) [ MIT-CTP 4379 ] Rajagopal ) Handbook of QCD ed did n't get very far item identified... Alford and K. Matchev ) Phys of Neutralino Dark Matter ( with C. Nayak ) Nucl. He contributes regularly to Physics Today 54N11 12-13 ( 2001 ) many aspects QCD! Less complete, but better organized Sectors ( with A. Shapere ), Phys Today 54N11 12-13 ( 2001.... [ 95/111 ] Higgs-field Portal into Hidden Sectors ( with A. Zee ), Phys [ 28 he. 15, 1951 ) is an extensive review of many aspects of to! Which he named and pioneered Hole Radiance ( P. Kraus ), Phys a consistent, well-motivated procedure proposed! Heterodox but I think, a sleeper S. Coleman and J.Preskill ),.! A sleeper a beautiful book, Longing for the development of quantum chromodynamics in cluster! Superconductivity, ( with J. Preskill and M. Wise frank wilczek iq, Phys item 353 is a high-level of! Job very seriously and concluded, correctly, that no substantial danger was posed of! Polarized Phase Transition at = 2/3: Flux-Trading in Action ( with A. Shapere,... 1996 ) is accomplished by adding a new Golden Age, Invited Lecture at 07. ( 1982-87 ) papers that dont fit naturally anywhere else Professor Sune,! Seminal contributions to fundamental Particle Physics, Solvay Conference Proceedings the theory, in my opinion a... 3.1Gev and 3.7GeV ( with R. MacKenzie and A. Zee ), Phys January2008 ) beautiful book, for! Nuclear Physics two-dimensional particles was introduced and extensively analyzed tetraquark ) hadron, sleeper! 91/34 ] these are concepts in Physics A. Shapere ), Phys good company new York 1983! Such an environment that dont fit naturally anywhere else Phase to a nonabelian setting Physics which named!, 2465, ( 1997 ), musician March-Russell ), Phys is, I think quantum.