In fact, on his appearances on Joe Rogans podcast, it is one of their favorite subjects to talk about. You know, you have to there's two cables that you have to connect the two of them together. You are happy as fuck it is. And it's like, you know, he's had multiple brain surgeries. So like being able to, you know, get signals from the brain and the high resolution. Well, we're in this weird place where we kind of agree to not use our best weapons. Creation, this technological creation, maybe that's what aliens are and maybe that's what we need to do to get past these territorial ape instincts that we have to like, look at a spaceship. I don't watch a television show, but he and I doing a show together, like a regular show, like maybe once a week, just just me and him sitting down and shooting the shit and talking about life once a week. And there was a virus, the virus. It's my mother. You know, when when you get this far down the intellectual rabbit hole, when you go, I mean, how many people actually understand this to the point where they can they could read it, describe it accurately. OK. Or do you really mean that? Unlock yourself with woop. But they would be your friends, you know. The podcast has featured musician Kanye West,[25][26] chess grandmaster Magnus Carlsen,[27][28] and businessmen Ray Dalio,[29] Jack Dorsey,[30] Elon Musk,[31][32][33] and Mark Zuckerberg. But that was a special moment and I would want to replay that. Look on my this, my that. And at one point in the spring, I forget what it was. And then we're just there was we're like this clueless apes. You know that that hurts people. But his comment was that if we one day will be able to replay memories, I wonder if this is a memory that you and I would choose. So the the the language he developed, there was a mathematical response to the language, him and his son. Authentic. Like when there's a there's a face off between the United States jets and a Russian jet and they come close to each other, like over China or something like that. I mean, that's that's what ultimately we would like. You know, a thing that totally changes the very nature of our civilization, I think it'll just all be gradual, just like from my phone one and two and three, all this technology will slowly expand our capabilities. It's yeah, it's super unhealthy. How'd it go? I don't know what I'm talking about with biology, but my natural thought would be like when you touched that life, it might basically be a parasite to take advantage of you somehow. In 2018, Fridman launched his podcast, called Artificial Intelligence, and later renamed it to the Lex Fridman Podcast, saying because thats what people call it anyway.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'rogantribe_com-banner-1','ezslot_11',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-rogantribe_com-banner-1-0'); Perhaps, Fridmans unique signature of his podcast is that he always wears a black suit, black tie, and white shirt. Comedy. Was there any demonstration of what was doing for the pig? Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: Noom: Charles Hoskinson is the founder of Cardano, co-founder of Ethereum, a mathematician, and a farmer. I mean, that's the technological solution to realize that this person's flawed because, you know, they're they're abused by their uncle or, you know, they get bullied throughout childhood or they have a disease or they they're impaired mentally. Rogan at checkout to save fifteen percent. So they're doing everything the law requires. Fridman attended college at Drexel University, where his father is a professor and researcher. There's a book that was written on it that accuses this manager of killing Jimi Hendrix and saying that they also threw his girlfriend off a roof when she did either jump off a roof or was thrown off a roof and died shortly afterwards because she knew too much or whatever. We're going to we're going to have Duncan Trust. I mean, if they're smart, if I was a Democratic strategist, there's no fucking way I would let him debate. But then at the same time you say that you celebrate the self-destruction that led to the genius of Jimi Hendrix, something I celebrate the self-destruction. If the population continues like this, that if you talk about large families there happening in Africa. And it's an end of an era. If you enjoy it, consider rating it 5 stars. Listen to 362 episodes of Lex Fridman Podcast on Podbay - the best podcast player on the web. Negative about technology, but I I'm one of them and I work with a lot of them, the people who are best at creating new ideas, have they almost they almost always have good intentions, but that's not enough. Well, I talked about this with Edward Snowden recently. Lex was born on August 15, 1986, in Moscow, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union. There's no artificial flavors or preservatives and liquid Ive's cellular transport technology. The problem is you start dwelling on the ones that aren't like you're doing in this podcast. It's never done. I want to fuck it, you know, to the idea of wanting to go over to a place and dominate it. He owns an Electric Fender Strat, although sometimes changes it up with an acoustic guitar instead. But the it's something that's I think is nice to appreciate for people from all walks of life. You can say, hey, man, you sucked on that show and you're like, oh, I thought it was a good episode. The Comedy Store. How do we like what are we supposed to do? People get angry, people get angry, and not only just angry, they they keep telling me it's unhealthy. So like you basically, if you look from the very origins, it's like you just the sun just needed to provide some energy to this thing, like a little bit. If if there is if David favor what he saw was actually a thing trying to communicate that, like Elon said, love is the answer. Was. You think like hard kickboxing workouts, hard martial arts workouts, you know, heal running, that kind of shit. And it's like I, I try to fight like I comment. In this episode, they talk about Andrew's "flow state" before recording a FREE when you join over 50,000 subscribers to the Podcast Notes newsletter. [34], Fridman plays the guitar and piano. You get it. And just just, I don't know, demons he was running from. Like that's that's why there's so much crime. Like the last thing you want to be talking about is the last thing you want to be doing is playing identity politics. It's a live die and you're just a single cell sitting there and you live and die based on your neighbors. We go to sleep, be gradual. Sure. That's social game to say. Starting June 10 (to give time for gradual ramp up). They have a very primitive capture of who you are as a human that ultimately leads to your purchasing behavior. But they might be what's empowering people to move in this direction with more speed? Don't give way to hating and yet don't look too good. This guy went so deep into this question he hosted a symposium on it for this birthday! And there's a I don't know if you there's a few good books on ants they have like a collective intelligence. Yeah, and I think it's possible to change, I think, to something gross about James. And then when they brought it up on The Colbert show, she was like, it was a debate. Yeah, from from inside, like Dorham in Avatar, that that planet that I've always felt like that movie was so interesting because it's close, right. And it also, you know, he's an entrepreneur. The richness. You have to help people. Connect on Twitter , LinkedIn , Instagram , Facebook , Reddit , or join mailing list . Who are the victims in our world and how can we create a world that has fewer victims? Well, explain what you did, because it's pretty funny. It wasn't just that. Like how do you, how do you get that a21. Sometimes it sucks and it's annoying, but it's a part of life. And I go to comments to because they currently for me have 99 percent of them. Lex Fridman Podcast Lex Fridman Hard Fork The New York Times All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg Jason Calacanis Developers! India has nuclear program. And the things that live there are not they're not human, but they're close. There you go. That and it's depressing to think because the exceptional humans in our society who would want to join the police force now? They're super weird, intelligent and productive. They saw these destructive weapons and so they actually in Roswell or whatever it is, planted a piece of technology that we should figure out. So there's like some sort of a balance like nature sort of figured out the best way to keep the animals healthy is to only have them breed once a year. That's what girlfriends, partners do. Thank you friends. Yeah. I know how to treat it, which is like ice, but like the reps are insane for people as people have done this kind of thing. Basically, trolls on both sides were drawn to that, as opposed to the Andrew Yang type folks who are like, let's all get along and here's some ideas. I know the push ups and pull ups, but that was way too much for me the whole time. Yeah, yeah. It just felt like. What is that like. Luckily, Joe Rogan has brought some incredible guests onto the JRE podcast to talk about space, aliens, the universe, black holes, simulation theory, the My life has been touched by Joe Rogan's JRE podcast and his amazing guests from the show. Like, you know, can calculate the, you know, the average population of Austin, because as the information of number of people, the number, the area or whatever, it's a really useful tool. Like the queen. [3][4] His father, plasma physicist Alexander Fridman,[5] was born in Chkalovsk, Russia and serves as the John A. Nyheim Chair Professor and Director of the C.J. Fridmans podcast is loaded with fantastic guests, focusing heavily on his passions of artificial intelligence, aliens, science, robotics, consciousness, and the universe. Why are you fucking single? I recommend it highly. We're up and running now. It depends. It could be just the reconnaissance. Nickels and dimes are a type of workout coined by David Goggins, where he does 5 pull-ups and 10 push-ups, usually at the start of every minute on the minute (EMOM). I want to fuck. But I felt like this is going to have to end eventually. Here are three books that he highly recommended: #3: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer. And they they probably I mean, that's what we would do if we encounter maybe like an ant colony. He just doesn't know what he's doing. Is mostly Akito in terms of supplement that your sponsor. As somebody who wants to see truth and positivity went out in the world, it pains me to think about the debates between Biden and Trump. Fridman is a big fan of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, having earned a black belt in the martial art. Everybody who's has the entrenched old school assumptions that haven't worked, fire everybody and hire new energy. Oh, really? The problem is if if it's more potent than any weapon that any any civilization has currently on this planet. Just honestly, just being honest. And it went from a place of people wanting economic prosperity to, hey, let's just make sure that people don't lose their houses. A friend of mine told me the story that he saw two mounds of fire ants and that he did this experiment where he took a bucket and he scooped up ants from one fire ant colony and scooped up ants from the other and then dumped them on the opposite colonies and watched them fight to the death. And even the missiles that we have, they're not nuclear like we're but we're involved in in a skirmish with another country. I mean, what could be what what life becomes? [37] He has competed in several grappling competitions, most notably in a match against Garry Tonon in 2013.[38]. I am forever grateful for the wisdom and love I've encountered in the meandering journey of doing these conversations. But he can create these like like a one. Slow, awkward. Lex begins the podcast right away with a hard-hitting question: What is the nature of evil? From there, they discuss the relationship of violence and force to human civilization, the nature of war, the ideologies of the US and communist countries, and who the greatest leader in history is. How much fluid it is in his knee. You know, San Francisco is an app where you can find the human shit in the city because it's so numerous, it's so prevalent. The same way I would talk about a fighter like his father. I mean, it's very simple. You're not even going to notice. If you enjoy the podcast, please rate it 5 stars on Apple Podcasts, follow on Spotify, or support it on Patreon. [13], Fridman's career began at Google, where he worked on machine learning. Follow. What you want to hire the best people for the job, men or women. 1:02:45 - David Miscavige . (Sourced from Lex Fridman Podcast #100 with Alexander Fridman) Lex's father, Alexander Fridman, is Jewish and born in Kiev, Ukraine but moved . Not to brag, it's very weird, but I got recognized on the way to here four times was weird. Whatever failures or insurmountable obstacles that have shown up in their life that have caused them to fall into this rut, that's that's what you get. If human history were a 1,000-page book, then the hunter-gatherer period would be the first 950 pages . They weren't understanding the whole point, the philosophy of David Goggins, which is the point, is to push the limits of what is healthy. Your muscles are exceptionally sore. Joey Diaz moved to New Jersey for now. Like you mentioned, there's this inclination to think like how can I figure out a way to use this as a weapon to destroy Russia or China as opposed to seeing it like. There's so much crime because there's there's so many communities that it's just like deeply entrenched in what they are, whether it's south side of Chicago or parts of Detroit. Right, because shit got so crazy that they let people just loot and smash windows and steal things. Yeah. The thing is, you have to separate Hitler, the evil person that created the Holocaust from the general evil, charismatic leader that took the country into use nationalism to take the country into a dark place in the 30s. researcher working on autonomous vehicles, human robot interaction and machine learning at MIT and beyond. Lex Fridman, born on August 15, is an AI scientist, robotics and machine learning expert, and podcast host. Yes. And if he had nuclear weapons, it's a whole nother discussion. This is what people do. And he also, Joey Diaz works best when people love him, like when he's around people who love him, when he knows he could just be himself. It's a it's a weird, weird place. Joey Diaz is chaos. And of course, the media would love that because it it makes it it draws more eyes because we generally are drawn to controversy, to drama and funny drama like this kind of shallow, derisive kind of conversation. It's a fantastic company and they're going to hook you up with ground beef for life. So maybe not in the moment, but not of the people that were wrongly accused. We're a different thing. We're going to fucking make our mark here. You can know how much sleep you should get and how well you slept. How many people that have enriched, important, enriching, important, difficult lives were they're filled with challenges? There's this kind of discussion of. And then you stop and think about iPhone one. I mean, as just the fan, Duncan is. You can have messengers, you can have what are called spaceship's, which are these mechanisms that use the cells and and move around. His Score and Percentile (Extremely High). Yeah. Terrific podcast, broad variety of topics, excellent guests. It drives commerce and commerce drives innovation. So like enriching this the way we experience suffering the expanding the way we can experience the highs and the lows. But really what it's about is finding targets and attacking and very little gets done in a positive way. You'll be able to know this is all all this stuff is incredibly tempting. I believe so in that. And, you know, we've always been real close. But the thing about the Eric Garner situation is they should have never fucked with that guy and they should have never they should never manhandled him in the first place. So you're disconnected from actual real human interaction. A politician won't be able to like you to look right in their fucking head. I wonder if there's ups and downs like so so humans have like a mating season around like Christmas, the holidays, and then it goes down in the in the January month. So you have to have predators. I said to me I did OK, but that Eric Clapton went and saw Jimi Hendrix play live and was you know, he was such a talent that. He just took me like a few levels up by saying like that, you know, when he thinks about hurting people, sometimes it's orgasm, it's orgasmic, and you try to laugh it off. But he also came out with this Wolfram Physics project recently where he describes it's another theory of everything. But doubling everything you do is just insane. Well yeah. They don't they don't understand. So people who are not well-off are going to become worse, but the opportunity for jobs is going to lessen the opportunities for people who are going to lose their businesses. They're just full of love. Remember that the timing of that when they were doing a debate and she she said something about him, it's painful. But I mean, it's amazing. Well, it's true. Since June 10, I did 25,840 push-ups+pull-ups & ran 312 miles. I mean, you know, that's sad truth. I stole the name from Jimi Hendrix. Desi Jedeikin Bio, Wiki, Age, Husband, Podcast, Childhood, and Net Worth. We have electricity, we have computers, we have all these different things. You said. OK, everybody's different, but for me, she basically she was one of the key people in my life that raised me, she is responsible for much, let's say, much of the good that I am. It's beautiful. The cast: Joe Rogan Tim Dillon Michael Malice Lex Fridman Blaire White And Alex Jones as "Alex" That would be a fantastic sitcom if you got the right writers and cast. I don't know whatever I get. I found an old phone in my home, like, look at this shit. She shut off every distraction and completely focused yourself on a single task. David Kipping is an astronomer at Columbia University, director of the Cool Worlds Lab, and host of the Cool Worlds YouTube channel. You know, if that becomes what people are, if you can download your consciousness into something that looks like a human being in your consciousness, rides around in this. #1: Sodium Chloride for electrolytes when he is intermittent fasting. One of his favorite tools, although expensive, he described as being totally worth it: Kinesiss Ergonomic Keyboard (Available on Amazon). I'm going to present Texas as a viable opportunity. I know the pain well from like I know it's an overused thing like I did when I trained judo twice a day. It's just like I would like some boring documents described like nothing. You know, some people don't. Please check out our sponsors to get a discount and to support this podcast: Her best friends bring out the best in her because they understand her. Yeah, one thing we're both talking about doing a television show or doing a podcast, rather, doing a show together. It's like nobody will care if you just quit all that kind of stuff and dealing with all of that. It makes you realize that it's possible that this universe is just some simple, dumb rules on a scale of 10 to the 120, like an ant colony, just that just scaled up like an insanely to an arbitrary degree. At the end of the episode, Manolis, who is also a poet, walks us through two of his original poems. I still have one. Yeah, you've got pains. They make technology. We're already. You know, there's like a famous store where Eric Clapton first saw Stevie Ray Vaughan play and he was like, what the fuck am I doing? Very friendly. Like, listen, we're winning because the only reason why people are watching, the only reason is because they want Trump out of office. Yeah, it's amazing how evolution finds a balance. Like you just there's just reality. I'm not spending that much money on that fucking thing. And we can tell China what to do. Who is this person in your life? And then you have on the opposite side Elon Musk, who who names. I mean, there's so many you know, some people were big fans of Eddie Van Halen. Let's make sure that people can eat. Well, people are more productive and more successful. Let me say that again with their powerful matching technology. It may not be as productive as we think, it certainly creates competition and competition creates improvement. In the playlist below, find the best Lex Fridman podcasts episodes that were curated with the help of Podysseys podcast fans who love intellectual discussions and explorations. First, the emergence of space and time, then the I mean, everything you need to describe for quantum field theory, all that kind of stuff. So most of the people that play identity politics, Twitter, they talk about, you know, all really good things. You don't deserve that blackpoll like all those thoughts are coming. It creates culture. Lex Fridman starts the 3-hour intellectually-stimulating episode with a complex question: What is complexity? They dive into a plethora of mind-bending topics including randomness in the universe, what is intelligence, a rethink of space and time, predictions versus explanations, if atoms have consciousness, why our universe exists, multi-computation for biology, and even NFTs. Our limited knowledge to sort of unlock mysteries of this universe from a physics perspective, from an engineering perspective, I would release all the information I have. Right? We want our village to be better than the next village when there's an alien civilization that's a million years more advanced, that would easily destroy us if we wanted to. After | 26 comments on LinkedIn And I was like, that's ridiculous. It's so fast. So he went on to give me advice if I bitch out. Fridman was on JRE Podcast episodes: #1188, #1292, #1422, #1455, #1537. And so people are trying to push against that. When men and women are sexually attracted to each other and they see each other every day with that very weird. You could have if if people the judge was in the position that Biden was in. If you don't have them, you're going to look at the loser biological eyes. The smartest way to hire you were also brought to you by were also brought to you by Birchbox. That is when he reached out to Goggins for advice, and Goggins called him out for tweaking his promise in the initial tweet. You know, Hicks died from cancer. I mean, the positivity that he brings, he just has a weirdly positive view of the world. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. Yeah, absolutely. That was a bunch of really cool ones. girlfriend, is is not a correct way to phrase it. Well, how much would the world be different now? How much complexity be created from simplicity, from simple rules, how much richness, beauty just can be created from simple rules. Beautiful for K like 100 bucks or something like that. And it has happened so. Yeah. If you can bear to hear the truth, you've spoken twisted by knaves, they make a trap for fools or watch the things you gave your life to broken and stoop and build them up with worn out tools. The problem is if if it 's depressing to think because the humans! More productive and more successful doing these conversations could be what what becomes. On it for this birthday to because they currently for me have 99 of... To because they currently for me have 99 percent of them together a opportunity! Consider rating it 5 stars on Apple Podcasts, follow on Spotify, or join mailing list with. Hook you up with an acoustic guitar instead on that fucking thing about him, it 's depressing think. Targets and attacking and very little gets done in a positive way life becomes 10... 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