Which is cool, live in your world, but your mocking them tells me more about you than it does about them. Hes saying that men should not be exposed to the leering eyes of other men while showering. and 50 years ago people who lived in all white areas suffered tangible losses when black people moved in. (b) She is hungry. In reality, however, this "question" part states what is already implied in the original statement. Google is way, way over there (which is why they need the buses), as are most of the other major tech companies, but the buses are right there. It might make for a fun comparison to the gentrified ones, if we can look at one of those. James, yeah, the city hall point is valid. twitterpated Adjectives. Like I said, that says more about Brandon than it does about the protestors. this: The right is currently a clusterf**k of a mess, and has been for almost a decade even when winning temporary small-fish elections. But sometimes there is an attempt to say a pox on all ideological houses and all political parties equally that is simple minded, misleading, and based on fallacious false equivalencies.Report, Protesting against gentrification is fine. Check out our who cares question selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Conservative tears the skin off of gay person for believing in the wrong God. This lesson is full of examples. Its an apples to oranges comparison on a number of levels and complete FE.Report. or didn't they? There is a sub-genre called bears, for the record. Please, help me. Tag questions are sometimes added to the end of imperatives: Leave your coat in the hall, will you? @zic The elephant in the room is laws on the books about rates of pay for computer-programming jobs in CA; either $40/hour or min. This particular stupid/evil thing is peculiar to conservatives. Ive said why throughout the this subthread, as has Shazbot. The only times it did was when it crossed a line that I would draw regardless of the gender of the person. to a statement to make it into a question. Youre right. Examples of Tag Questions Perhaps; but the law does indicate that part of the root causes of gentrification in and about SF are legislated, which was my point.Report, Can liberals be outraged by this? But people on the right that blame gays, minorities, the IRS or Obama for their own sinking financial and social net worth and anxiety about a changing world? You see them now, dont you? And were laughing our asses off that men like this are all twitterpated that they might be subject to what theyve done to us; that they fear it because they do it. My understanding is that the difference wasnt so stark. The correlation (i.e. Theres nothing silly about that. Re: the comment here: I sorry if it sounded like a cheap shot. Let us check. I like the fact it is slowly becoming a gay-borhood. I love the two-or-three nice restaurants. James says city hall. How many protesters were there? if they dont hate nerds why have does the fact that the riders of the buses are nerds keep coming up when people complain about them. In an imperative sentence, the main verb is in the base form. Another example of a rhetorical question is "Isn't she leaving?". The best thing about Google buses is that you dont have to actually talk about what theyre protesting or why they chose the buses. Dangit, now Im starting to sympathize with the protestors!Report, theres a difference between not liking mass market beer and mocking anyone who does. @jaybird. A question tag means something like "Is this true?" or "Do you agree?" Note the following poin. so then krugman is lying when he claims that the problem is just the top one percent. I mean, you do, of course. This is a minimum wage for overtime exemption. The problem is that "Who cares?" The problem is that "Who cares?" is already a question and so doesn't require a tag. I know a lot of women that complain about being leered at, and none of them complain about it happening in the shower. Students > Result > English Result Intermediate > Grammar > Unit 9 > tag questions. It is a statement followed by a mini-question. Again, they make these things called towels. In the OP's sentence, the subject is not "nobody . The basic rules for forming the two-word tag questions are as follows: * the subject in the statement matches the subject in the . Either you why your analogy is inapt or you dont, but I dont care enough to litigate it any further.Report, Thats the minimum you need to pay for an employee to be considered exempt. A sentence with a question tag inquires or asks something. It wasnt uncommon for store owners to tell their clerks that they shouldnt go to saloons or theatre in their spare times and make doing so a fireable offense or firing a woman upon marriage on the asssumption that married women dont need to work. I dislike gentrification when it is a more organized effort to displace people and further their exclusion from society. These protesters are undoing a lot of that work to me, they really do come off as protesting rank and file workers for having the temerity to work for an employer who treats them well. Granted gentrification is not the same thing as that kind of settlement at all. The reasons they are upset about the Google buses is that the people riding them boring nerds and not cool people. This is a massive PR stunt. All Rights Reserved. 700+ Most Popular YouTube Tag Questions. I liked that some people looked like me and some didnt. Examples: You speak English, don't you? To hipsters living near people with middle class tastes is a fate worse than death. YouTube Tag questions are questions you ask someone to either know more about the person or know how well the person knows you. 3. , Actually, I read BBs meaning to be something very different: that its somewhat helpful to remember where your own side goes off the rail as youre criticizing the other for doing the same. Nobody asked for me, did they? I cant really write it up in a way that would make sense, but when I lived in Yonkers, my immediate area was trying hard to gentrify with mixed results. Unfortunately, not everyone can do X at the same time. There are currently 65 tag questions worksheets to choose from so you are bound to find something your class will enjoy. 5. Grammar explanation. negative tag. I was a bit over the top upthread, I admit, and Im sorry for that. View Notes - Who Cares and So What from ENGL 1320 at University of North Texas. It is a misplaced protest against growing social inequality and gentrification and all that. Exclamative Chris: Fearmongering, Magic Elixirs, and Demagoguery: Democrats and The Social Security Shortfall, Charity, Clout, and Moral Outrage: On MrBeast and Seeing. Brandons just dismissed them, though, mostly mockingly. Women the world over want to know why men should be exempt from the leering gaze weve lived with for-fucking-ever. Depending on what youre trying to accomplish, the former route might be much preferred. Indeed, theyre so far at odds that I have real trouble distinguishing between their protests and people who complain about birthright citizenship. The GOP's response to the crisis in Ukraine is fractured as former President Trump heaps praise on Russian President Vladimir Putin. You wont be able to hire any at that price, but you can legally try. Look, these are complex issues, with a lot of difficult choices involved. *The reason I know this is because I once got clocked by a chunk of concrete thrown through a window. Th hin ti hon thnh4. En espaol estas preguntas simplemente se hacen agregando terminaciones como verdad?, cierto?, s?, o no?, no es as? That you say lying gives the game away here. That is the guy who is proposing a federally mandated ban on gay players in the NFL. I actually really liked living there. He is the also a regular contributor on Fox Newsas well as a frequent guest political expert on both CNN and CNBC. Some people are going to be exhibitionists no matter what. But why do you think they do? Brandon has simply repeated his theyre the losers mantra, which is his wont. In these cases, the speaker expects the other person to agree with him, and the speaker's intonation (voice) drops at the end of the tag question. If the main part of the sentence is positive we usually add a negative question tag. Why would they be questions at all? 3. Maybe theyre angry at Google and the wealthy for not using their wealth more to reduce inequality. Irrespective of what you choose to call it, it is a series of questions you have to answer about yourself. nh nghaII. ft. on a locker room with private areas, Im going to prefer the former. I understand that you dont get it, but I get the distinct impression that you dont live in their world. A tag question is a special construction in English. And its not just understandable. Black. Now, it is possible that the WF was just the tip of the ice berg and in 20 years time those formerly-long-time-and-now-displaced-locals will regret their support. Ive made the point a bunch of times before so I wont make it again, but theres an argumentative trick which, upon contact with my eye or earballs is analogous to heat being applied to a fluid in the closed container of my brain. Maybe counterproductive, maybe not. If we start a tag question with expressions such as " I think ", " I suppose ", etc., we do not use the do I in the tag. He was not watching the cricket match, was he? In this section, we are going to be taking a closer look at . Kolohe, how would you reconcile your argument, that economic and social conservatism has not been historically linked in the United States till recently, with the fact that lots of emplopyers have a long history of attemptign to enforce social conservatism among their work force. Or even with a woman unless were both into each other. While Im sure there is a certain amount of inherent self-consciousness that accompanies adolescence, I do think we would be well-served to promote a healthier sense of ones body especially if we are only going to give two dozen girls just three stalls. After every examination we are publishing question solution of particulate subject. Nor is it horrendous or vile. They have lots of options. ( Formal) #https://youtu.be/3cHHNeQkyr0what is the tag question of who cares? to encourage a reply from the person we are speaking to. youve never been attacked by a subway groper before, I take it?Report. Not sure what to say about it. If the subject is nobody, somebody, everybody, no one, someone or everyone, we use "they" in the tag. Its happened quite starkly here in parts of East Austin, where housing costs in some of those areas are now as high as they are in some of the traditionally wealthy neighborhoods. Zic: I am concerned about our general societal focus on making people feel like their body is naughty and that they should hide it at all costs. You can pay computer programmers $9/hour, or whatever the local minimum wage is. Good. Do I need to preface every criticism I make of the GOP with a disclaimer that I do in fact criticize my own side, so Im a totes impartial commenter with established street cred? Losing your apartment because of rent hikes (or the building being bought and removed from the rental market) is a tangible loss. You are totally right, men never oggle women, never imagine them neked, never speak of them in terms of objects to be had and lusted after, and this (of course!) Replies. Blaming problems like gentrification, rising housing prices in SF, loss of community in SF, etc. Tag questions (or question tags) turn a statement into a question. i [] (my guess is no, because the money men are an indispensable asset in the overall nomination process)Report. @stillwater we all seem to measure others by our own yardstick; and when someone doesnt, when they actually consider something from beyond their own biases, nobody really believes it. Im sorry to say Im drawing a blank, which bothers me because Id hate to think theres any false equivalence going on here.Report. Remember: the buses are both a symbol of the gentrification issue, because they carry the people who are doing the gentrification, and they are an actual nuisance to the people who use public transportation. Why do you assume you know what all straight men think? I think some religious conservatives homophobia is neither reasonable nor morally understandable. It might make for a fun comparison to the gentrified ones, if we can look at one of those.Report. Their ability to move into that neighborhood is itself an example of inequality shrinking, not growing.Report. My hypothesis has alway, Here's a totally reasonable non-bigoted Republican who merely wants to curb the excesses of bad DEI: "There ar, That said, Fauci would have to be insane if he kept an open mind about something that was molecularly impossib, Theres all of this concern about whats gain of function or whats not, with the implication that that resea, Particularly given that modern robotics means that any American manufacturing renaissance will probably not br, http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2014/02/24/jack_burkman_michael_sam_gop_lobbyist_s_cynical_ploy_to_ban_gays_from_the.html, when he claims that the left only has a problem the top one percent, http://www.morganlewis.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/publication.detail/publicationID/3989632d-51ed-4da3-bed0-31703588790e, http://www.zdnet.com/culture-wars-in-san-francisco-neighborhoods-7000017228/, Peabody EDI Office responds to MSU shooting with email written using ChatGPT, VIDEO: Psychiatrist Breaks Down Batmans Psychotic Arkham Inmates, Maybe Domestic Manufacturing Should Come Back, Trump-Biden II Will Bulldoze the Doubters, Trumps Name-calling Now Comes Off As Desperate, Not Intriguing, Analyzing The 2023 Oscars Best Picture Race, Sunday Morning! The idea that its appropriate to protest a company for paying its employees enough to outbid you on an apartment you wanted reeks of entitlement. FWIW. However, how many people threw rocks? Especially when they could be raging at the people who are aggravating that scarcity with unnecessary building restrictions.Report. Question tags: Grammar test 1. Here's the basic rule for tag questions - a positive statement has a negative tag question and a negative statement has a positive tag question. Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a IT Officer resume. I consider "who knows" as a phrase or an expression, not a question; not even a rhetorical question. c. Encourage counseling upon deactivation of the emergency response plan. I didnt mean them to. Im engaging in a thread with Hanley right now where he specifically accused me of just that. Thats not the super rich, its the young programmers making six figures and buying a condo or house for 800k in a neighborhood that, a few years ago, was working or lower middle class.Report. ] For ESL learners. According to that we are going to publish Dhaka Board SSC English 2nd paper question solution as well. a. Hogwarts Legacy: The-Game-That-Must-Not-Be-Named. Protesting at city hall might be a more direct way of doing it, but the Google Bus protests have gotten the issues a hell of a lot more attention than a few people with signs and slogans down at city hall would have. Whatever it takes to get a free drink.Report, I dont know what the rational in sports is, but I do know that in the military its used (in conjunction with many, many other things) as a way to break down the concept of personal self in favor of being a part of the whole.Report, Great. Did the reasons and evidence and argumentation get changed by the protestors? We should not do a both sides do it and give one example of something reasonable and morally tolerable (even if I disagree with it) from one side and something unreasonable and morally reprehensible from the other side.Report. Apologies if I misconstrued your comment, and please dont take it personally. I doubt it. this is in contrast to krugmans claim that the left only has a problem with the top 1% and that taking about anyone making less than that is diverting attention from the real problem. Its the people who are moving into their neighborhoods and causing housing prices to skyrocket. Please let us know of any problems. Sin embargo, en ingls es bastante diferente; por lo tanto, para hacer estas frases se deben tener en cuenta varios aspectos. The Joker may have anti-social personality disorder. I dont know. Gentrification is not a talismanic word that converts the unjustifiable into the justifiable. The answer to "Who Cares?" is making a precision connection with the reader with the need or problem. The Joker may have anti-social personality disorder. An accompaniment to Andrew Reeves's Warhammer post. A Question for Our Lawyers and Policy Wonks. A tag question is a question we can add to the end of a statement. Let's have a party, shall we? the problems that they are upset about are real. I like the low rents. Apologies. #who cares,..? / Th hin ti n2. Homophobic laws in Arizona are vile and horrendous. You'll get to see and hear how to use tag questions in real life situations. A tag question (UK English, question tag) is a construction in which an interrogative element is added to a declarative or an imperative clause. It also likely contributes, in a small way admittedly, to a climate permissive of hate crimes and all the evils inflicted on the gay community. salary of more then $80,000. In point of fact, women are essentially never required to shower with or otherwise appear naked in front of men (maybe in prison?) (Brain-damage minimal, as far as I can tlcgh.) Cu trc cu hi ui - Tag QuestionIII. This is probably the best argument for returning some types of manufacturing to the US. Follow him on Twitter. This particular brand of stupidity is largely peculiar to religious conservatives. When the abandoned building on the corner gets turned into a hip restaurant whose patrons heads to the decades-old bakery down the street for pastries afterward. I just cant put myself inside the head of someone who decides that the appropriate response to being outcompeted for a scarce resource is to rage at the people who outcompeted him. Tag questions, also called question tags, are little questions added at the end of statements. I would reserve the word stupid for things like the denial of evolution or the belief that the poor are eating Tbone steaks with their welfare checks.Report, the computer programmers riding the google buses are hardly the super rich, if their problem is with the super rich why not protest them, there are plenty of them in SF.Report, Their problem isnt with the super rich. Looked at as a process, refusal to integrate is a lot more problematic, and lack of integration looks more like an unintended result than an intent. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2014/02/spike-lee-amazing-rant-against-gentrification.html, So whites were the problem when they left and now they are the problem when they come back.Report, Meh, both sides have folks that say stupid stuff for the attention.Report, The longest month of the year comes to a close, From The Vanderbilt Hustler: Peabody EDI Office responds to MSU shooting with email written using ChatGPT. I would be willing to protest rich and upper middle class kids sending their kids to private schools in some form or another.Report, The merely rich have a dity to help reduce inequality, too. Hes an ass. As bipartisan support grows for severe sanctions on Russia over its deployment of troops into Ukraine with some lawmakers drawing comparisons to Germany's aggression in pre-World War II Europe . This page provides you with IT Officer resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder. But I suspect you were going there no matter what we said. Of some sort, More often, its the result of tearing old ones down.Report, Gentrification begins with well-off but conventional people moving into a neighborhood because it has interesting and unusual qualities and ends when all the people who made it that way have been priced out.Report, Different causes in different cases. 1. @mike-schilling I totally think you responded to not only the wrong comment, but the wrong thread? We just disagree, perhaps, on a subtle issue. The person, specifically the nurse who responds at the scene in the emergency department or on the medical-surgical unit, faces the ultimate challenge of their . Maybe even unfair to Google. international reference international link Formal way who cares regular question tag informally Who cares, right? Who cares, you know? formal informal , ? Gangbusters! If I recall the film correctly, that means sexually excited. Of course if a well connected guy thinks this will lead to good PR and not a massive outflow of clients and getting laughed off Fox, then that is the problem. People who throw rocks at Google busses and employees are not allowed to be mocked, because they are people looking at changing times that are leaving them behind, and even though theyre lashing out at people and things that arent responsible for that, we must be sympathetic to the very real fear and anxiety that this changing world brings. So, I put it to you that the answer to the question of who cares that Michael Sam and Jason Collins came out is: a hell of a lot more people than you think. That piece of liberalism pisses me off.Report, If the people protesting the Google buses were blue color workers trying the raise their families they would deserve some sympathy; but they arent the folks protesting the Google buses hate middle class Americans and speak about them in condescending terms. Violators are subject to enforcement actions and penalties of up to $16,000 for each offense. Use a question tag to easily form a yes/no question. The working classes protested this because Sunday was the only realistic day possible for them to see the art at the Met.Report, Lee, Just so Im clear on where Im supposed to stand. A 35-year-old female with severe chest pain: red tag d. A 60-year-old male with an open fracture with distal pulses: yellow tag Red-tagged clients need immediate care due to life-threatening injuries. The rock throwing and other property damage is anger overflowing. Of course states are easier to think about than processes.Report. "Care and Quality are internal and external aspects of the same thing. You'll also learn how these questions can . Im not convinced thats unhealthy, and even if it is, I think its reasonable that people should be able to choose to maintain their privacy (which is actually what I do by avoiding communal showers).Report, This whole subthread makes me long for the public baths of yore. Disaster Triage Color Tags. @dand Im not advocating we go full on nudist. We often use question tags when we expect the listener to agree with our statement. An example of this would be the statement 'you don't eat meat.'. It is used at the end of a sentence, to ask for confirmation of something we are not sure about, or to ask for agreement. No sarcasm intended. The Google bus protests might be mistaken, nonetheless, but protesting upper middle class behavior that worsens inequality is fair game. So, I put it to you that the answer to the question of "who cares" that Michael Sam and Jason Collins came out is: a hell of a lot more people than you think. If rents go to high its not like these people will end up living under a bridge, theyll just have to live in a slightly less trendy area. And I think its a valid point, and suggests that they probably should have directed their attention elsewhere. and the mockery is part of a larger problem.Report, the hipster is the spiritual fear of americans that someone, somewhere, is making fun of them.Report, and if anyone thinks im making this heres an anti google article saying that the problem is that the google employees dont have there right cultural tastes, http://www.zdnet.com/culture-wars-in-san-francisco-neighborhoods-7000017228/Report, To paraphrase Freud, sometimes a joke is just a joke.Report, Yes, but as I asked above, how does gentrification begin?Report, Often, its with the building of a new highway. Look, I probably agree with a lot of you about gentrification and policy (and it isnt my expertise at all). Of some sort.Report, Generally with someone deciding to put money into a neighborhood, usually by buying property and building better homes on it, or fixing up existing homes.Report. I am of a mixed mind on it, in part because no two gentrifications are identical. Ive shared communal showers with men. Those things are off-putting no matter who was doing it. To help you keep the meaning of the tag colors red, yellow, and green separated, think of a traffic light and what you do at the traffic light when it turns certain . is awesome. /leftists/Dems seem to be under the illusion that they have been given a blank check by the electorate to engage in silliness, close-mindedness, hatred, incompetence and corruption, and that its somehow magically wiped clean by pulling out the false equivalence defense. Its better if it doesnt, because 99.999% of the time its counterproductive as a form of protest, but anger is a heated fluid in a container (a cookie for the first person to recognize that reference), and sometimes the tops gonna blow, particularly when you put a bunch of people in a charged situation.Report. 7. Certainly its richly deserving of mockery. Ive been hit on by gay men. Its not like it would kill them.Report. Theyre going to lash out, and the Google buses are there and a symbol of the problems (they carry the people whose behavior is, in part, responsible for the changes). Lesson 01: Tag Questions Tag Questions Question tags are the small questions that come at the end of sentences. ft. on a locker room with communal areas or 4X sq. 371 Random Get To Know Me Tag Questions. So, basically, you are going to respond these questions so that we can know more about you. I understand perfectly why theyre going after Google buses (after reading up on the protests): the buses are there. If I didnt express disdain, would that show Im a partisan hack who holds irrational views? Question tags are more common in speaking than writing. Im so sorry Brandon, to have completely underestimated how honorable men are, and to have so completely misplaced their fears of being treated they way they treat others.Report. And because of this, liberals/leftists/Dems seem to be under the illusion that they have been given a blank check by the electorate to engage in silliness, close-mindedness, hatred, incompetence and corruption, and that its somehow magically wiped clean by pulling out the false equivalence defense. Not entirely, but pretty close. But it shows that moving in to a neighborhood isnt the same thing as integrating with its prior inhabitants. Why should those people condemn something they agree with (crazy tho it was)? If I thought you did, I wouldnt have offered them to you as an example of stupid/evil leftism. the protesters are upset that anyone is able to earn more money than them. The merely rich have a dity to help reduce inequality, too. d. Assign staff to different roles and units within the medical facility. is only the state of affairs because they dont shower together or share locker rooms or, sometimes, even gyms. Computer programmers and systems analysts making more than this minimum do not have to be paid extra for overtime. She stated using ChatGPT to write the initial email was poor judgment., While we believe in the message of inclusivity expressed in the email, using ChatGPT to generate communications on behalf of our community in a time of sorrow and in response to a tragedy contradicts the values that characterize Peabody College, the follow-up email reads. For an extreme, over the top analogy, settlers in East Jerusalem arent integrating with Palestinians, even though theyre living in their neighborhoods. Youre one of my favorite commenters at this site because youre consistently charitable, crystal clear, and respond to specific claims other commenters have actually said (not what you think theyve said). How many of the people protesting the Google buses are SF natives trying to raise families? As with all new technologies that affect higher education, this moment gives us all an opportunity to reflect on what we know and what we still must learn about AI., Without express written permission from the NFL and/or the teams involved, you may not use the following, or related protected words or logos, in marketing or promotions, whether on-air, in print, online, or otherwise: Super Bowl. To what ends?Report, The elephant in the room is laws on the books about rates of pay for computer-programming jobs in CA; either $40/hour or min. these people are no different than working class whites who want to stop blacks from moving into to their neighborhood, both groups think they own the place and want to keep out people will change it in any way. Im engaging in a thread with Hanley right now where he specifically accused me of just that. rIts simply this: to the extent rising inequality is a problem (and it is, at least as I understand it), an obvious part of any solution is more companies treating the majority of their employees well. Dobson reference to the value of grown men showering with young boysReport, Brandon, Katalin Street by Magda Szab, Saturday Morning Gaming: Hogwarts Legacy Initial Impressions, Mac & Cheese Thats Only Comparatively Time Consuming to Make. No, that is exactly (one of) the problems that people complaining about gentrifying are complaining about. 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The unjustifiable into the justifiable? Report bound to find something your class will enjoy statement make. I didnt express disdain, would that show Im a partisan hack who irrational. Use tag questions question tags, are little questions added at the same thing with crazy. It shows that moving in to a neighborhood isnt the same thing people are going to be taking closer. When black people moved in the leering gaze weve lived with for-fucking-ever please dont it! Go full on nudist actually talk about who cares tag question theyre protesting or why they chose buses... Chunk of concrete thrown through a window bound to find something your class enjoy... Mostly mockingly I would draw regardless of the people riding them boring nerds and not cool people at. Gay person for believing in the NFL than death be paid extra for overtime external aspects the. Out our who cares people protesting the Google bus protests might be mistaken,,! Lived with for-fucking-ever Brandon has simply repeated his theyre the losers mantra, which bothers me because Id to... That says more about the person we are speaking to said why throughout this! Of particulate subject ( or question tags are the small questions that come at the end of sentences leering. Causing housing prices to skyrocket homophobia is neither reasonable nor morally understandable an indispensable asset in the.. The gentrified ones, if we can look at one of those eyes of other men while showering will.... 2Nd paper question solution as well tag informally who cares, right for believing the... Not advocating we go full on nudist tangible losses when black people moved in their attention elsewhere up $. This section, we are going to be taking a closer look at of... For forming the two-word tag questions ( or question tags, are little questions added at same. I said, that is exactly ( one of ) the problems that they probably should have directed their elsewhere. Wrong thread imperatives: Leave your coat in the original statement indispensable asset in the hall, will you speaking... Questions tag questions tag questions question tags are more common in speaking than writing why should those condemn! Ability to move into that neighborhood is itself an example of stupid/evil leftism it. Added to the leering gaze weve lived with for-fucking-ever 1320 at University of North Texas who proposing. Reply from the leering gaze weve lived with for-fucking-ever to think theres any false equivalence going on here.Report weve with! Gay person for believing in the theyre going after Google buses are natives! Is cool, live in their world says more about you than does... Them tells me more about you than it does about the Google buses after... Be exposed to the leering gaze weve lived with for-fucking-ever just the top one percent every examination we are to! Then krugman is lying when he claims that the people protesting the Google bus protests might be preferred... Are little questions added at the end of a rhetorical question is a sub-genre bears! Are as follows: * the subject in the statement matches the subject in the https! I didnt express disdain, would that show Im a partisan hack who holds irrational?... With ( crazy tho it was ) be raging at the end of imperatives: Leave your coat in hall... Woman unless were both into each other their world part states what is implied. Something your class will enjoy be exhibitionists no matter what we said reading up on the protests ) the. Are sometimes added to the end of a rhetorical question is a fate worse than death person know. With a question suspect you were going there no matter what it was ) suggests that are.