7 african gods and goddesses

I was frightened when the baby started crawling up my body, but the guide told me to not be afraid and the Orisha god transformed into a small kitten and lay next to me which calmed me down. The natural world generally flourishes with life. Rest assured that we are ALL children of The Divine, and the form that It chooses to present Itself is only to appease us as human beings for our limited capacity of understanding the unknown. While it may seem the war god is a single purpose deity, war gods and goddesses are varied in their functions. Described as a powerful deity with a voice like thunder and a mouth that spewed fire, Shango (also called Chango) is a major deity of the Yoruba people of southwestern Nigeria. Modern African American, Afro-Caribbean, South American and many other magical people feel called to work with the Orishas, including the Seven African Powers. It is said that Bumba vomited the universe during its inception, creating the sun then drying up the water on Earth creating the land. So, for todays article we decided to bring you a quick rundown of 15 African Gods and Goddesses that are going to show you just how interesting this part of the world can really be. I love the statue and Im a big believer but I dont want to disrespect ogun and chango being in the same statue and space. Although different myths and legends have slowly faded out from cultures around the world, African mythology and legends remain an important part of many cultural groups. Although Nana Buluku did not have a direct role in creation, she is referred to as the supreme goddess and represents motherhood. His followers and priests are known as Babalawo, meaning 'father or master of the mysticism'. African people, however, do not have a single unified belief about a supreme god. However, one thing is for sure. He is also commonly seen having two dogs to help sniff out infections. There is no official African religion out there, and that is because there are countless cultures and practices that are spread all across the continent. By far the most important theme that we need to mention about the Yoruba religion is the idea of Animism. Even though some of these Orishas dont get along on a normal basis, when invoked as the Seven African Powers their animosity towards one another may be calmed. Which Orishas would this be? He even commented on my blonde/yellow hair and that yellow is one of her colors. This powerful orisha is the messenger between worlds and is guardian of the crossroads. #2 Apophis (Apep), Serpent God of the Underworld. Be it Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Chinese, Japanese, Aztec, Mayan, you name it. Neffertia received her B.S. Havent really left Hebrewism as Im tribe of Dan. If Apophis was not defeated, the planet would be in terrible danger. To link to this article in the text of an online publication, please use this URL: https://historycooperative.org/african-gods-and-goddesses/. While this is certainly not meant to be an all-inclusive list, here are just a few of the gods and goddesses of the hunt that are honored by todays Pagans: 01. of 09. This duality of vulnerability to conditions and protection against them makes up the next Orisha. If you dont have respect for the African diaspora and culture, the Seven African Powers will not have respect for you! How old is the United States of America? Burn the incense during prayer as offering to them. She is often times referred to as the Goddess of wind, thunderbolt and fire, and she is by far the most feared goddess in the pantheon. He is the best weapon wielder in the Orisha. Pick one side European saints /copies. It also gave you a brief overview of the Yoruba and Santeria religions. Before setting up an altar, invoking individual Orishas, or providing offerings to them, ALWAYS read their likes and dislikes and understand their back-story. The concept of destiny is gazed upon in awe by all those who truly place their faith in it. Weather is a fundamental aspect of any significant settlement. Well, she is the Goddess of sweet and freshwaters. Perhaps he knew variety is necessary for human evolution! One of my supervisors told me to lohe Kush or kushinties for religion purposes of my own. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Also known as mother of nine history mentions this name was derived due to giving birth to all 9 children as stillborn, with her being barren all her lifetime. All of which will be detailed below. They are all mentioned within this list. Spirit of the ancestors lives in your blood and you can invoke the presences of anyone of them, to assist you on your journey. That theyve always been saints. Whenever she does lose her temper though she causes the waters to be violent, attacking and taking down even the mightiest ships because of her sorrows. I ran outside and started calling the feminine Orishas I learned about in this book by Lillth Dorsey, Orishas Goddesses and Voodoo Queens. Whenever she shows up, she is usually accompanied by her husband, Shango, the God of Storms. He is also the god of masculinity and strength, with many people comparing him to the Greek God Zeus or the Norse God Thor. Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle Deck and Guidebook Set (45 cards)(standard version) Go to cart. Imbolc - Feb 2nd Ostara - Mar 21st/22nd Beltane - April 30th/May 1st Lithia - June 21st/22nd Lammas - July 31st/Aug 1st Mabon - Sept 21st/22nd The Spaniards took slaves, and therefore we became immensely multiracial. Ogun is the Giver of Iron in the Orisha Pantheon. It goes as far back as the 9th century, way before the first Europeans set sail on the countrys shores. Judika Iles warns in her Encyclopedia of Spirits, that if youre bleeding in any form to NEVER approach Ogun. If they share the same likeness, they will be called something like Babatunde which pretty much just translates to father returns or Yetunde or mother returns. That was my first experience. Ive found a few 7 African Powers candles at Walmart in the candle aisle for a dollar a piece. Beyoncs been identifying with her for years. The Yoruba oshira Oshun. Korean Mythology Gods & Folklore | What is Korean Mythology? Kibuka is actually referred to as the God of War in the Buganda Empire kingdom. Olokun is often portrayed as being fierce, angry, and jealous. However, he refuses to interfere in what individuals choose to do with the weapons he blesses the productions of. Human spirits exist within the mind, and hence, tending to its development is what Orunmila really does. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. According to the Yoruba religion, Obatala is said to have constructed the human bodies and asked their father, Olorun, to breathe life into them. 2nd: Shango. It is something that adds that bit of extra tanginess to a stew of divine righteousness. I will gather all that was listed above to use. She was the one that taught the Yoruba people how to create potions and heal through herbs alone, and whenever you do go hunting you need to give her an offering so she allows you to have a safe passage through her realm. Invoke her for cleansing rituals with water, to heal reproductive problems (for fertility), for romance, divination, employment, magic and much more! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 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The lush continent of Africa is in fact home to numerous animals and insects found only on the continent, as well as beautifully diverse groups of people, each retaining their breathtaking cultures of yore. Hence, the material having a specific personality induced a sense of wonder and natural instinct among those who believed in its smithing magic. Later on I was afraid as the guide said Orisha might not be happy because he was called upon just to see if something would happen, but later my friend found out that the Orisha god had something in common with us. You should never take her name in vain as if you dare to disrespect her, she will convince her husband to stop the rain from coming down, causing the people to suffer tremendously because of it. She is a sister of Oshun, Orisha of rivers. The baby doll starting moving and crawling towards me, which startled me but at the same fascinated me so much that this was even happening. Webgod and goddess, generic terms for the many deities of ancient and modern polytheistic religions. Oshun - She is one of the Yoruba. Dialogue Institute, Dialogue Institute, 16 Sept. 2020, https://dialogueinstitute.org/afrocaribbean-and-african-religion-information/2020/9/16/yoruba . lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Alongside mastering the delivery of this world-building resource, Ogun is also dubbed the Warrior God of War. Due to this, every object (material or immaterial) is believed to have some sort of sentience. Hi Im Veronica I am a new beginning of this seven African power and I would like to learn more about it please guide me through it and teach me every word of it please I need it money home living and others so help me with this thank you. According to Yoruba belief, because the god was too vast for humans to completely understand, Olodumare released different spheres of influence into the world. The Yoruba people, in particular, told traditional stories and oral accounts about the Orishas, which evolved to be the basis for the faith itself. Shango has a presence among many other African cultural groups and is referred to by different names like Esango among the Edo people of southeastern Nigeria and Sogbo among the Fon people of Benin. I renounce Anayaroli, the river demon that rules over wealth;. I started gaining an interest in the Orishas kind of out of nowhere. Regardless of which mythology you look at, chances are that there is always a master of iron right around the corner, ready to bring the gods the weapons and armor that they don during the final days. Nana Buluku is primarily found in the Fon religion but is also known among the Yoruba people. in my opinion think its a great idea to learn a lot about orishas and the practice before taking further steps . Nyame is one of the most important figures in Akan mythology, considered to be the supreme sky god. I have the utmost respect for ALL the ORISHAs! She is the goddess of fertility, morality, creativity and land, and she is often times seen next to Amadioha, her husband and the God of the Sky. figure did not say his name, I just knew in my dream telepathically I guess that this was one of the Orisha gods/goddesses. Modern Santeria, Voodoo, and other Caribbean traditions still value this practice today. Shango is one of the hot orishas and is known as the lord of thunder and fire. Of all the African religions, this remains one of the few on the rise. Im not black. Use the following activities to learn more. Instead, we can refer to the Yoruba religion as its most popular religion simply due to how widespread it is. Hera, queen of the gods, prominently wields her scepter, while Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and sensuality, holds the just-presented wreath of victory. However, its all the same. Which til this day Im more than blessed to have even been another orisha came to me as an elder woman more like grandmother with the colors red, yellow and black with an African design protecting me from evil. I feel like my Moms side probably came more from Ghana & my dads side more from Nigeria. From Oshun, to Isis, to Eve, to Freya, etc. Some tarot cards are wrongly identified if you say its only one way. I have a legal matter Im fighting in court and I really need some guidance, protection and exoneration. The Great Mother and protects motherhood as well as female sexuality. Examine African oral traditions and stories, and learn about the folklore of West Africa. She gives abundant treasures and foods like the sea but can also be angered like the sea. Artemis (Greek) Artemis is a goddess of the hunt in Greek mythology. His answer was simple and swift, he ordered his younger brother, Kibuka, to fight on their behalf as their God of War. As they migrated and settled in new homelands, they created myths and legends to tell the story of the history of their people. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. As the sister of the deity Shango, Oya is most commonly known in the Yoruba religion as the goddess of weather. A white candle works for just about any invocation and for any deity. Ogo, as known to the Dogon people of Mali, is the ''Chaos God''. These deities and orishas rule over various elements and are part of cultural beliefs: Among the Yoruba people, Aj Shaluga is the orisha of money and treasures. 8th: Babal Ay Who is the most beautiful African goddess? It can be found in different South American cultures as well. Acting as the intermediates between Olodumare and humanity, the Orishas were direct emissaries of this supreme being. Oshun can be spelled like: oshun, ochun, osun, oxum, oshum, etc. In addition to working with and venerating these Orishas individually, you can call upon them as the Seven African Powers in times of great need OR to cover ALL of your bases! Some war gods, like Ares, are These deities, who Eshu is said to be a protective and benevolent spirit who needs to receive constant appeasement in order out fulfill his assigned functions. I renounce Ala, also known as Ale and Ane, known as creator goddess and queen of the dead that rules over community laws, morality, oaths and harvest;. I want to truly understand not go on this journey just because. I have a question I am worshiping both Oya and Oshun, From this, I have learned that they do not like each other is it okay that Im Worshiping both-? copyright 2003-2023 Study.com. Apr 17, 2019 - Explore King Jefferson's board "African Gods and Goddesses" on Pinterest. If you wish to give Aj Shaluga an offering, all you need to do is you need to grab a handful of fresh fruit, pigeons, necklaces made out of coins and shells and flowers and you need to leave them at one of their altars. The answer will reveal itself. Orunmila is a God of wisdom, knowledge and divination. African Mythical Creatures Folklore & Examples | What are African Mythical Creatures? The notion of reincarnation is that deceased family members make their journey back to life as a new baby in the same family they once departed from. However, this somewhat stereotypical vision doesnt spring out of the blue. Yes and most time u need no alter calling on a deceased sibling all u need is stillness and a great way of mediation. Wash with their soap to start your day out right AND to cleanse any negative energy or bad magic from your aura. I believe my sister has cast a hex on me. Throughout history, nearly all cultures have had gods and goddesses associated with love and marriage. It is said that after the Bugandan people were terrorized by a series of attacks, their king decided to have a meeting with Mukasa, the Creator of all things, to ask him how he can defeat his enemies. Similar to a shaman or guide who called upon a deity into a small baby black figurine that was standing on a chest. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Yesterday I learned Oya likes chocolate. It is believed that at one point in time, Olodumare was close to Earth. Oshun is the Goddess of love, freedom, fertility, and water. At the same time, we can assure you that if you do end up doing your own homework, youll find more than a handful of customs and traditions that you yourself may start adoring just as much as we do. Defined as an embodiment of wind, she is Shangos wife and hence the direct caterer of his will. I am fascinated w the orishas. Ive been lazy about learning any culture. Osanyin has his own herb garden where he can provide the appropriate plant for medical use or food consumption. The Yoruba people refer to this religion as . And then Ill follow with the female ones, the Orisha Goddesses. Like Osun snd Ochun . 7th: Yemaya. There are thousands upon thousands of cultures to explore here, to the point where you could actually spend your whole life researching everything that Africa has in store for you and youd still fail to capture it in its entirety. Yemaya protects abused and neglected women and children and also travelers over the sea. Referred to as the all-knowing, Olorun is the most powerful and wisest god among the Yoruba people of West Africa. One day at work, I broke down. Higher pay too by $3 more! In the Americas, Oshun is regarded as the Orisha of Love.. Bumba vomited two more times, creating the moon and night and nine animals. I just got into crystals and meditation and chakras , I dont know how I got into these things, But I feel a pull and gravitation towards spiritual. WebAbassi African God. When Oba asked Oshun about what she did to become Shangos favorite, Oshun simply lied to her (knowing Obas children would inherit the kingdom). This simply refers to the fact that everything, and we do mean everything, possesses some sort of spiritual essence within it. After that, it appears that Oya became my patron because I could only focus on her. Ase & Namaste , This is a blessing to hear. Lions, elephants, vast stretches of the jungle with venomous snakes, or an endless sea of sand stalked by nefarious scorpions. If you try to dwell on it too much, you will lose the message that is trying to be sent to you. She is strikingly similar to Dionysus, the Greek goddess of wine and fertility. This is an ode to Oguns double-edged sword, representing two sides of justice. Other myths tell us the Clodhna is often called the Fairy Queen of southwest Munster. Being connected to places such as hospitals where the borders of life and death are frequently grazed. I will research & study more before fully immersing/baptizing myself. I am looking for new books on the subject. Babal Ay is recognized among the Yoruba people of Nigeria and Benin as the ''Healer God''. African mythology and legends are an important aspect of some cultural groups and religious practices in the different regions of Africa. When I did my DNA, it did confirm Banta, Nigeria, and Congo. Consequently, because of his knowledge, Orunmila is said to know the ways of the world and the fate of humankind. But before that, I could hear my ancestors say, I am from Bantu lineage. These oral traditions were passed from generation to generation and were often narrated by a designated storyteller called a ''griot''. One of my passengers was African American PhD doctor who had studied or had some familiarity with western African religion said I had a Osun type energy and/or vibe. They called to me around 96 or 97,98. Find Seven African Powers candles online, at local botanicas or conjure shops or at your local Walmart or grocery store! Oduduwa's older brother, Obatala, was supposed to be the original creator but after getting drunk at a party, Obatala failed to complete his task. Like the gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt and Rome, there is always a supreme being keeping watch over all. Is the letter y even in our native language? Because of this Kibuka pretty much managed to destroy everyone in his path, bringing victory to the Buganda Empire kingdom. Also commonly referred to as Mbombo, Bumba is actually the creator god of the Kuba people from Central Africa. Hello. Offer of flowers, fresh fruit, pigeons, and necklaces made of coins and shells are given to Aje Shaluga. Instead, he has solidified his position as a messenger between the realm of spirits and humankind, not unlike the Greek god Hermes.. It is said that there are 400+1 Orishas, where the stands as an incomprehensible number that implies infinity. After reading about her, her colors are some of my favorite colors, especially yellow! It will break sooner or later, especially if made w silk thread. He is most often times showcased sick, since he did vomit up the Earth back in the day. I want to learn, Im reading a book by Lilith Dorsey and its good. As I grow older Im wanting more and more info even joined groups on fb but afraid to say anything because everyone who most talk in the groups are practicing already and I dont understand some of their post. Modern people often underestimate the might of a crackling burst of thunder. I prayed for cleansing and repair. Some recollections tell us that there are as many as 700, 900 or even 1,440 Orishas around. Spirits are less grand, less powerful, and less like humans than the gods, who often have weaknesses and emotions. In this article, we will be looking at the traditional beliefs of the Yoruba people, a West African ethnic group with a brimming crucible of history to their name. Another of the female Seven African Powers, Oshun is the Orisha of the rivers. Yemonja is the Orisha of the ocean. These deities and orishas are some of the most powerful and well-respected among the different cultural groups. Hi how come Aja is not part of the orishas? His healing powers range from epidemics to skin diseases and inflammations. The ocean is vast and seldom cruel, and it is impossible to predict what lies beneath deep waves and endless stretches of water. These could be some of the many things that come into your mind when you think of the word Africa.. Oya, the African Goddess of Weather, Wind and Storms. and looking to strengthen my practice. I feel like its a lifeline. Ogo is represented as the ''pale fox''. Often times referred to as the Child of God, Obatala is known as the kindest god in the pantheon, even though they are seen a lot of the times next to their father, the powerful Olorun. As the emissaries of his power and will, the Orishas were each assigned unique functions, ensuring total order within the planet of Earth. Orunmila is a prime example of it. These spirits are thought to give guidance for life issues and problems. African mythology, in general, stretches over a vast array of gods and goddesses. This is why you will often times find Yoruba people named after their departed parents or grandparents in case they look alike. Yes you do have to be initiated to have a serious connection , any other who calls on our Orishas are seen as strangers to the religion , wouldnt be able to attend ceremonies or anything involving the Orishas . While there is no actual official number of gods that can be found in this pantheon though, there is an interesting notion around it which states that there are 400+1 Orishas around. He was malicious and dark and in the form of a poisonous snake. The different spelling comes in because some nationalities would automatically change it to sound more natural to them (easier pronunciation). Peace and blessings may eye ask you a questionare you from the mother land if so how can eye contact you, Isnt it cultural translation? Dont be scared sound very direct try to have an old item of your siblings and white candles. Her watch over the seas sustains life as it is and seals her importance as a motherly figure in the pantheon and the entirety of African mythology. If you cant find a 7 African Powers candle, use what you have. Ahura Mazda. Am Nigeria am have the five of orisha powerful these are:obatala,sango,ogun,osun and esu. Speaking of which, Yemonja is the metaphysical mother of all the other gods in the Orisha pantheon. Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde Islands, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 lol I guess I was half asleep when i read how to use the candle because everyday for 7 days i would wake up , light the candle, say the prayer, then before bed i would turn it off. Love & Blessings to ALL! Eshu Elegbara is also known as Elegua, Exu, Eshu and Legba (or Papa Legba), depending on the tradition. It is said that Obatala was the one that created the human bodies, and as they finished up their job, they demanded of their father to breathe life into the soulless bodies in front of them. --~Attributes and Youre correct. Oguns polarity is present in his healing abilities and his ability to destroy. Discover the various gods and goddesses of West African mythology. 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