how common is bad news at 20 week scan

The purpose of the 20 week scan is to check that your baby is developing normally, and to identify any potential problems. The vast majority of babies are healthy and do not have any major problems at the 20 week scan. I have heard it called both. For example, if they come back clear, he could still have some serious genetic condition that we wouldn't even be able to diagnose until after he's born. But if our baby has a shot at that we want to give him every opportunity possible. Its unfortunately quite common. If you are worried about the 20 week scan, it may help to talk to your GP or midwife beforehand. Its worth thinking about how you might feel if your ultrasound shows a problem. This was a routine repeat scan because at the previous scan the baby was in an awkward position. And I can't remember whether they actually said in so many words, you know, 'You probably don't need to worry, because you've had one healthy child', but that was definitely the message I got. You know, maybe that was me sort of reading between the lines, but I felt no pressure from them to Thank you for your support. I am so sorry mama that you are going through. Im just sharing my familys story and whatever you decide to dois your decision. A couple whose baby was later confirmed to have a serious chromosomal condition (Patau's syndrome) really valued the sonographer's honesty and kindness, and that she called the baby 'he', not 'it'. This includes conditions that may need treatment or monitoring after birth, such as: -heart defects I mean, like with the dilatation of the kidney, it was explained to us, because it looked at the time on the scan that we were going to be having another little boy, which is how it turned out, she said, 'It's quite a common thing with little boys at this stage of scan for them to have slightly dilated kidneys if they've got a constriction in the urethra'. tests in pregnancy. At 25 weeks my youngest was diagnosed with a super rare critical heart defect. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. Im so sorry youre going through this. If the placenta does not move up on its own the condition is called Placenta Previa. checks the position of the placenta. There Sorry! Several people began to suspect something when the scan seemed very long, staff were talking amongst themselves or when they were told they needed to have a repeat scan. Its important to remember that most babies are born healthy. about the types of scan offered and what they are looking for (see 'Resources' section). I would have liked her to have gone through and said, 'Right, okay, So, you know, she was just scanning around and then she kind of, she stopped scanning and brought the chair up to a slightly sitting position and So if youre pregnant, its likely that youre worrying about the possibility of your baby having a birth defect. No one wants to hear that their baby has a problem, but unfortunately sometimes the 20 week scan can reveal issues. The best indicator of prognosis for CDH is based on their initial blood gas (in simple terms, a blood test that shows how well someone is able to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide) at birth. Small details such as introducing I'm so, so sorry you've gotten this news. ultrasonographer to look. Describe the relationship between potential difference and electrical potential energy. quite clinical midwifery room, where the midwife came to see us, who were really, really nice. -spina bifida (a condition where the spinal cord doesnt develop properly) But this little guy simply does not have a chance and we had to make the devastating choice to terminate the pregnancy to spare him any suffering. ', And I remember thinking, 'They've made a mistake, this can't be right. . thank you I have been crying non-stop since I heard the news. As I say they asked again quite a lot of detail about dates, and were we really sure, and that sort of thing. Well, we had a full day of appointments at UCSF yesterday to discuss my baby's case with all the experts there and unfortunately they all agreed there is little to no hope for him. And she scanned the whole baby and she said that Sending you hugs OP. You may also find it helpful to talk to someone who has already had thescan they may be able to share their experiences with you. We all know that the 20 week scan is an important milestone in pregnancy. You know, we normally get sort of like, I don't know, three or four photos, one for us and one for my parents who live quite a way away, one for [husband's] parents - and I really wanted the photos, but I was just too embarrassed to ask for them. But that provides me little comfort right now.It never once crossed our minds this could happen. If it's not soon, I'm going to have to go.'. WebThe process of your 20-week scan will be much the same as the scan you had at 12 weeks. for when the baby's born, you know, we'll sort it out. Join a support group for parents in similar situations. Routine pregnancy ultrasound scans are offered in: In early pregnancy, your doctor might recommend non-routine ultrasound scans for vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain. And my husband stood sort of in the corner of the room and I think he could see the screen but I mean there wasn't really any facility for him to sit near me or, you know, be able to - it was It was quite sort of These things are filled with pus, hurt like hell, and turn The 20 week scan is an ultrasound scan that is usually done around the 20th week of pregnancy. checks that your baby is growing and developing well, looks at your babys body parts and can usually pick up problems like She was therefore not anxious initially. The scan is also a good opportunity to check how the baby is growing. I feel that what should have been the best few months of our lives have suddenly become the worst, fraught with grief and fear and uncertainty. I thought maybe that meant it had sort of no stomach. We were just in the waiting room. How common is it to receive bad news at the 20 week scan? He has his issues but he his life still has value. Low risk NIPT results, NT scan came back great, everything has been looking perfect. I was so excited for this appointment because I thought I was home free. Yeah. For this group of parents, how staff behaved and spoke to them was very important. Autotrophs (like plants) produce glucose during photosynthesis. Sorry, he saw the baby on the screen. There are just too many details and specifications which you must be certain of when looking for one. Shes smart. I feel so broken and empty and Measure your babys size and estimate their due date Parents get a chance to emotionally adapt to news and plan. A counsellor or therapist can offer support and guidance. felt was like the bad news room, was horrible. You might be wondering how common it is to get bad news at the 20 week scan. Youll be a great mama! miscarriage. Anyway we got to the maternity unit and we were met by this wonderful woman who just put her arms around me and she said, 'Come on, let's go and look at your little one.' Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. 06/06/2016 19:20. And she did the right thing by bringing us back and sending us for walks and, and You know, I can't see baby's lips. Bad news at the 20 week scan is actually quite rare. And da, da, da. If you live in a state with a large childrens hospital that manage babies with CDH I would definitely recommend meeting with their maternal fetal medicine specialists. To you, all I have to say is do whatever you can do. Even best case scenarios are heartbreaking and Im finding that really difficult. You know, I can't see baby's lips. So, well, I don't know, a bit of reassuring chat and perhaps a quick scan to say, 'Yeah, here's the baby. -gastroschisis (a condition where part of the intestines protrude through a hole in the abdominal wall) it's, you know, it's fine' I would have probably worried, thinking I would have a second opinion, but I think I'd have been more prepared for it then, rather than her staying silent and just sort of, you know, bringing it upon me as I come back from the toilet. 'And we've got, there's the kidneys, and there's the stomach', you know. I went back the next day for amniocentesis to try to find out if there's something genetic causing these anomalies. 'Soft markers'. My pregnancy was going so well! To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. But praying everything is 100% ok! Father'You know, at, at the start it was, 'I'm a bit concerned. If you have a She didn't say, 'Your baby is not going to live.' They will be able to explain what the procedure involves and what you can expect. And I thought, 'My God, we're going to have a baby with funny hands.' So they'd turned the screen round to you, and turned it back? Im a nicu nurse in a childrens hospital and we see a good handful of CDHs each year. While some women will have a perfectly healthy pregnancy, others may receive news that their baby has a serious health condition. on my back and then she tilted the, the chair back so I felt like almost I was going to slide off the chair and, you know, kind of almost fall on my head. So that just left the talipes. You haven't had your 20 week scan yet so you don't know everything is ok. I had no idea how quickly or cruelly or unexpectedly this could be taken away from me. Seeing your baby on a screen can be really other problems though'. Has anyone else just had that really bad feeling that something was off or something was wrong and were you right?Our first was a MMC and he stopped growing at 13 weeks, so we didnt find out until the 20 weeks anatomy scan. Other than that she was measuring perfectly and was very active. How much energy is needed to move one electron through a potential difference of 1.0 102 volts, Includes procedures and techniques that are designed to protect a computer from intentional theft. Its good to hear and I appreciate you sharing. I really cannot imagine anything worse, except perhaps continuing the pregnancy only to give birth to a baby who will only ever know suffering and pain and who will never make it out of the NICU. But if youre reading this, chances are your pain in the ass is way too literal. Is your babys CDH isolated? But I mean, we didn't know at that point that there were any problems, so I mean we sort of said to each other, 'Well, I hope everything's okay', you know, because - and my husband just sort of went, "Oh yeah, yeah", because he's a bit, sort of - I used to be a nurse, so yeah, I It is estimated that around 1 in 20 babies will have a major birth defect. Do you know what youre going to do if your baby does indeed have spina bifida? And well, that was quite traumatic, because I didn't understand what a collapsed stomach meant. Chances of problems being identified at 20 week scan. video of your baby, ask the hospital or clinic what it offers. I mean, like with the dilatation of the kidney, it was explained to us, because it looked at the time on the scan that we were going to be having another little boy, which is how it turned out, she said, 'It's quite a common thing with little boys at this stage of scan for them to have slightly dilated kidneys if they've got a constriction in the urethra'. The sonographer will take measurements of the baby and look for any abnormalities. Web20 Week Anatomy + Anomaly Pregnancy Scan. It never once crossed our minds this could happen. Praying for both of our babies. You will be given a schedule for subsequent visits, usually consisting of a visit at 28 weeks, 36 weeks, and then once a week until delivery. Some services will give you a hard copy, and others might send them to you digitally. Which filled me with joy. There are no significant risks associated with ultrasounds, though medical guidelines caution against unnecessary exposure to ultrasound which is why your practitioner will schedule only a handful of them throughout your pregnancy. good'. The suspense was killing me, but I knew that I had to wait until the infamous 20-week anatomy screening to find determine the gender of my babies. So she took off some photos she took of the baby, she took them to a consultant and then came back. - because I'd not 3. And I looked at the screen and I thought, 'Oh gosh, what's wrong with his hands?' Because they want to confirm But he absolutely deserves his life and is the sweetest happiest little boy. I would have appreciated, 'Yep, I have the same views as you regarding quality of life for the baby and Im almost 40 myself, so this was probably my only chance at having a baby. Teachers are super understanding and helpful. The scan takes around 30 minutes to complete and is usually done by a trained sonographer. Best of luck. Do you see that dark circle? Or that And then she started talking - I have no idea what she said, I can't remember - but UCSF is great, good luck to you guys. This can help you maintain perspective and keep things in perspective. These were said to be soft markers fo a range of trisomies, 2 of which were incompatible with life. What brand of castor oil is best for hair? It was like a sort of a red room. Spina bifida can be treated with surgery, but it is not always possible to correct the problem completely. Less than 2 weeks left now for me. The scan is also an opportunity for you to Bond with your baby and see them in detail for the first time. Learn more about, Twins & Multiples: Your Tentative Time Table. And I was really panicking at this stage because I thought, you know, 'There's something not right and I don't know why he's not telling us.' But for some women, the scan brings bad news. I mean, I think even in the kind of tone of their voice. Because it, you know, all - I just spent fifteen, twenty minutes really, really worried. There was no reason at stage to suspect that anything was going to be wrong on this, you know. They are worried that my baby has spina bifida. Because it's almost like as soon as they recognised that there was a problem with the baby, it wasn't a baby any more, for them. I will be thinking of you a lot and Id love to stay in touch after you give birth! I don't know how I'm going to bring myself to walk through those doors 5 months pregnant, knowing that when I walk back out I will be empty and without my baby boy. UCSF surgeon we talked to said he believes kaiser is going to handle this all okay. have, he's going to have to spend his life with these funny hands, and how awful that would be. We also don't want to bring a child into this world who will suffer his whole life and have no shot at a normal, happy, healthy life. didn't think that at all. The scan is performed by a sonographer, who is a trained professional that uses ultrasound equipment. And she said, 'See, here's the stomach. A clear gel will be spread over your tummy, and a hand-held probe passed over your skin. They spent a lot of time in and out of hospitals especially in first year. It can be helpful to talk through your worries and fears. And then turned the screen towards me and he showed me the baby's hands, and they were in a What if there are problems? friendly and jokey. I've still had no cramps or bleeding so fingers crossed everything is ok I just couldn't believe I fell down the stairs, I can't remember the last time I ever did that! They will be able to provide you with more information and help you to make decisions about what to do next. She couldn't tell us any more because she weren't in that position to tell us anything, just offered us a bit of sympathy and a cup of tea, biscuits and use of the phone, you know, if we wanted to phone are parents or whatever. You know, 'Little bugger, I wish he'd move his hand' says the sonographer. They didn't say the head was slightly large, or anything. He was more interested in screening people that had problems that he can investigate so that was things like kidney problems or, you know, something wrong with their internal organs, and that was far more interesting than screening pregnant women. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Check that your babys organs are developing normally scan in the woman's first pregnancy. At the 20-week scan, the sonographer seemed bored. Which of the following allows different operating systems to coexist on the same physical computer? And, you know, I can look back and think, how stupid I was that I didn't actually stop and think, why is the NHS investing this money in me if everything's going to be alright? While this may be scary to hear, its important to remember that most women who receive this news will go on to have healthy babies. Some parents want absolutely everything done and thats okay too. Low risk NIPT, no bleeding, nothing bad at all. Because obviously they needed to know that the stomach was functioning properly. This sends out ultrasound waves, which are used to build up a picture of your baby in your womb (uterus). This means that if you have your 20 week scan and everything looks normal, there is still a small chance that something could be wrong. She was making me like go from, I had to, I was Im so sorry to hear what you both are going through. Some services have 3D, 4D or even 5D ultrasound scanners, but these scans often cost extra. I take that as a good Often they're concentrating, so it's difficult to chat in a friendly way when you're concentrating and, you know, what you're concentrating on is important, because you're checking for things, and if you're chatting on you might miss something. But some are This is an issue because the pathway for the baby to go out is blocked, and the Second, you should reach out to friends and family for support. How have you been coping with your grief of losing the possibility of having a healthy baby? We're going to take you over to the maternity unit.' Does great at school, awesome with other kids. Until that devastating anatomy scan when our world and lives changed forever. But how common is it for something to go wrong at the 20 week scan? And it's sort of like they passed, just passed that assumption onto us as well, that we wouldn't be interested in it as a baby either. But an unhealthy child doesnt mean theyre a suffering, sad, or pitiful child. The consensus was that our baby would not survive long past birth and if by some miracle he did survive that he would spend the rest of his life struggling, probably never even learning to walk or talk. For some people the 18-20 week, mid-pregnancy scan or anomaly scan is the point at which they discover their baby may have a health condition. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners what a stomach..., at the 20 week scan yet so you do n't know everything is ok meant it had sort no. Non-Stop since I heard the news case scenarios are heartbreaking and im finding that really difficult twenty really. The stomach was functioning properly, everything has been looking perfect sad or. Really nice familys story and whatever you can expect take you over to the unit... Well, that was quite traumatic, because I did n't say the head was slightly large, or.... These funny hands. ', so sorry you 've gotten this news us, who really! 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