once upon a time fanfiction regina and david pregnant

("Heart of Darkness"), Prince Charming is brought out for an execution on King George's orders, which is stopped by the Queen. Archie tries hypnosis to find out what he has been doing in his blackouts. ("The Dark Swan", "The Price", "Broken Heart"), The next day, David and his wife join Regina at Storybrooke's border, where they stop Leroy and the remaining five dwarves from testing the town line. Anna is told his name was Rumplestiltskin, and to everyone's shock, she knows him, although Mr. Gold claimed he had no knowledge of her or Elsa. Snow tells him about surviving on her own, and upon learning David is selling his farm, she offers to give him her money as thanks for him saving her. Later, at home, David contemplates it will be near impossible to bring Emma and Mary Margaret back without the hat, but Ruby assures him he can find a way because she knows what kind of man he is. David then watches in horror as Mary Margaret jumps in after her. That night, Emma approaches to take him to the sheriff department for questioning about Kathryn's disappearance. With Gideon defeated, David and his family rush to Emma's still body, with Henry using the power of true love's kiss to revive Emma. She also reawakens David from his powerful sleeping curse. When he is trapped, she saves him by threatening to turn the trolls into bugs. The trio agree to prep a cover story and search for Neal themselves, but when Emma asks where they are going, both David and Hook give different excuses. Henry, having sneaked out to look for his mother, returns with an injury Emma caused. David suggests that, instead of killing her as Hook proposes, they find a way to keep the two apart. Emma, recognizing the foursome's bickering is making the storm worse, forces them to stop after she jumps into the ocean and gets knocked out by a rig pulley. Leroy helps win over Anton by mentioning Emma was given the compass by him. They receive assistance from Ruby, who has regained her wolfish sense of smell, and tracks Belle to her father's flower shop. 30 (physically)56 (actual age) This causes a rift in Snow's relationship with Emma, but they later reconcile. As they face the Queen in the cemetery, they reassure Emma they are at peace knowing their lives have led them to each other and back to her as well. After David obliges, the witch directs them to Underbrooke's haunting booth. During this, he is accosted by some henchman and believes they are King George's men until being set free by them. Good ones, bad ones, but they're all worth living. Grandparents Mr. Gold warns them against finding Emma now because she won't break the curse as she was meant to and that'll leave the other townspeople cursed forever. Since the group plan to leave the Underworld together, Regina sends Zelena, her baby, and Hades to wait by the portal first. When Zelena's magic apparently has no effect on Hyde, the heroes flee the house to get away. Once the spell is complete, Emma and Regina attempt to magick the elevator open, so they can gain access to Hades' lair, but the door reveals a brick wall instead. The more pressure Regina puts on the heart, the more frantically Snow White unravels the knotting of her layered clothes, hoping to alleviate the pressure on her chest. The Princess by EllWood02. Snow records a video of herself with baby Neal, and David makes breakfast for her and gives her flowers. Relatives: In this universe, Snow White and Prince Charming were able to stop Regina from casting the Dark Curse by stealing her magic. ("The Queen Is Dead"), As their daughter is returning from New York, David talks to Mary Margaret on the phone about the dagger's status with Cora and information from Emma about Mr. Gold's injury at Hook's hands. During this, Hyde notices that all is not right with Emma and calls her out for having hand tremors. David looks forward to when his father will finally return home, however, on the last day of the two week run, he and his mother are notified that his father, although sober for thirteen days, became drunk at a tavern on the fourteenth day and died after falling into a ravine. As David continues to keep his injury secret, his strength is depleting. Snow later becomes a bandit and steals from Prince Charming, both of them falling in love with each other during their journey. ("Birth"), Shortly after, David, Regina and Mary Margaret enter the house in search of Emma, who finally admits she had turned Hook into a Dark One and planned on putting both her and Hook's darkness into Zelena before killing her. ("Lost Girl"), Heading north by following the map, the plan is a failure once when they notice Pan's camp location keeps changing, making their journey fruitless. Snow White is one of the heroines of Once Upon a Time. Emma makes the effort to unveil the map by stating facts about herself, with encouragement from her parents, but nothing works. She is truly in love with him, but seeing that they will never be together, she takes the potion to get rid of her pain. After he urges Henry to grab some cocoa instead, Albert sits down in the booth with him. They agree that it's through loss that there is strength to be brave and heroic. Regina and Zelena pull out the couple's darkened hearts and put them in the potion to drain the darkness before returning the hearts, however, it doesn't work because of a fail-safe the Queen cast to ensure the curse remained unbroken and they have to break it soon or Snow and David will both be asleep forever. They desire his help to stop the trigger, but he refuses, believing dying is his penance for Neal's death. Moments later, Emma and Hook investigate a trail of ice leading to a warehouse where they are chased out by an snow monster. With time running out, everyone agrees with Regina's opinion of going ahead with the counter spell because many lives are at stake, though it would mean ending the search for Anna. David encourages him to introduce himself by using his charm as a mysterious and intriguing foreigner, and he then sends Henry to the girl with drinks. They corner Tinker Bell outside a cavern, but an unharmed Regina attests to the fairy's innocence. By nightfall, David and Hook are joined by Henry as they reach the town square, where Emma has just been disarmed in a sword duel against Gideon. During the second half of season 2, while Emma is away with Henry, she and her family cope with Mary Margaret learns that Cora had killed her mother to make Regina the Queen, which Mary Margaret vows to kill her. David is shocked to see a seemingly returned Robin, though Emma and Regina quickly explain that he is a different Robin from another realm. David mistakes the memories for Mary Margaret's attempt in harming Kathryn and begins to doubt her innocence. A grown Emma, dressed prettily in a blue gown, persuades him into a dance as practice for her first ball. Species: Before she announces the results of the fingerprints on the box, David assumes he did it, but they are a match for Mary Margaret. ("Heart of Darkness"), The day after, he approaches Emma to clear up the misinterpretation from his last visit to Mary Margaret. ("Pilot"), Directly after the meeting with Rumplestiltskin, Charming returns home with Snow, who is frantic about finding a way to stop the Queen's curse. Because Emma returned from the Enchanted Forest, Snow White's timeline altered but she still fell in love iwth James, causing Emma to be born still. David relays the news of the booth to Snow, who becomes worried Hades is planning to attack Storybrooke. ("The Apprentice"), When David and his wife plan to spend quality time together, they request Belle to babysit Neal at the apartment. They stop by Hyde's house, where Jekyll finishes making a red serum to defeat the warden for good, but Poole makes him to ingest a blue serum that forces Hyde to manifest in the body. After a long day, they go home. Snow White is portrayed by Making it to shore, Prince Charming receives the enchanted ring from Rumplestiltskin, and as an added bonus, the wizard also magically transforms his clothes into something befitting a prince and bestows a horse for his journey to Snow White. When the king asks which of them is the prophesied savior, Regina claims the title in Emma's place. When they get back into town, they find Billy's mangled corpse. Regina Mills only signed up to be a contestant in hopes to gain instagram followers and publicize her failing bakery, at least that's what she's telling herself. To defeat the curse, the trio wants them to consult the Tree of Wisdom, a being that will only answer questions from two of the most valiant heroes. During the missing year, Snow returns to the Enchanted Forest with her friends and family, and her former enemy Regina. Emma arrives to inform them a box with Kathryn's heart was found. He, Emma and Mary Margaret rush to check on Regina where they learn Zelena attempted to take her heart, but failed since it's hidden elsewhere. With the plan ruined, Mary Margaret blurts out that Neal is alive. Spouse She later encounters Emma Swan, their daughter who tries to snap them out of the alternate reality, but Snow tricks the duo and has Hook killed by David before Emma and Henry vanish as well as the Evil Queen. As the two of them are married, The Evil Queen threatens the comapny with the curse. After pulling it out, Snow White asserts to Queen that she won't give up the throne. Margaret sets out to help Hercules move on to Mount Olympus, and because Cerberus is keeping Hook trapped, she seeks Hercules to slay the hellbeast, which will solve both problems at once. He returns Prince Charming's sword and provides him with some provisions and a map out of the castle. From school, Mary Margaret talks to David on her cellphone, in which he lies about coming clean to Kathryn. ("Heartless"), Some after, Rumplestiltskin persuades David into being a replacement prince for his deceased brother, James, and in return, he'll receive riches for the farm and for his mother. While the water can keep David alive for a span of time, Mr. Gold will create an elixir in Storybrooke to cure him for good. Arthur reunites with Guinevere, who notices Excalibur is missing, but David reassures the couple that it's likely to be somewhere. When questioned by her mother if she wishes to stay in town, Emma avoidantly asks Henry to brainstorm a name for her new baby brother. He is unwilling to leave her behind, and Mary Margaret agrees, suggesting they use the bean to send the trigger away. Snow White vows to return the egg after things are settled, and then she and Prince Charming flee as a devastated Maleficent makes a failed attempt to stop them. After Emma decides to try burning the names off the headstones, David leaves for the apartment with Henry. He reveals Anna once saved his life, so she must save Emma. Afterwards, David and Mary Margaret enter the pawnshop to deliver the grim news about Neal to Belle and Hook. Trouble brews when Albert and an angry townspeople want Ruby arrested for Billy's murder, so David locks her up for safety reasons. However, to those present, he feigns seeing nothing suspicious. ("Strange Case"), When Shirin is apprehended as a suspect in the Oracle's death, David enters the interrogation room and watches Emma interrogate the woman. She was very much in love with Charming, but was concerned for his well-being when King George threatened to have him killed. Please consider turning it on! A fan fiction about Once Upon A Time With Regina's Daughter. Wilby She has been all alone all her life. Hook objects to him going in without a plan, so David tells him and Jasmine to meet him at the sheriff station in an hour. The ball takes a tragic turn when Percival tries to murder Regina, but Robin intervenes, getting injured in the process. David decides not to; hoping the problem can be easily fixed by Tinker Bell's pixie dust. Wilby The two make-up with a kiss. In the midst of getting ready for the ball, David tucks baby Neal into a crib, while Mary Margaret instructs Doc on what to do if Neal gets fussy. ("Last Rites"), At Robin's wake, David accompanies Snow as she offers comforting words to Regina, who is still shell-shocked over Robin. As morning approaches, they continue to have it out until the curse, prompted by Ingrid's sacrifice of her own life, is broken. David leaves for the animal shelter and confesses to Mary Margaret his fears about what he did to Kathryn. Before Emma leaves for Skull Rock to stop Pan, she presses David and Mary Margaret to go back to Dead Man's Peak and retrieve more of the spring water as a necessity for the journey home. Consequence: A result or effect of an action or condition. In fear the erasure of magic will cause Storybrooke to disappear, Emma and Regina pursue Henry, while David and the others send Merida, the Merry Men and Camelot folk back to their homes. [image ends][three illegible words] [image ends]happily ever after. Hook goes first by stating he shared a kiss with Emma, causing outrage from David, as well as his genuine feelings for her. Mary Margaret is more reluctant to let Henry be without his mother, but David considers how many times Regina has failed to change and suggests they give her an ultimatum to either say in Storybrooke or live out the rest of her days in the dark dungeon. The Girl Who Believed Series - First Book: Rose May Mills was 10 years old went she find her birth mother; Emma Swan. ("White Out", "Murder Most Foul"), Years later, David becomes a shepherd, but he and his mother face troubles on the farm when a warlord, Bo Peep, badgers them for money. As Regina probes for the truth, she only stops when Emma's parents and Hook stumble upon what she is doing, with all of them horrified at her tactics. Unsure of his own skill, Dr. Whale consults Mr. Gold for help, but he refuses and only warns that they should hope Greg dies so an outsider can't spread their town's magic secret to the whole world. After leaving Neal in Belle's care, David and Mary Margaret try to make amends with Maleficent for what they did. After Charming is gone, Snow wishes on a blue star to give Emma a happy ending, and unbeknownst to her, the wish is granted that very night by the Blue Fairy in the form of a singing spell. ("Dreamcatcher"), With Merlin's magical help to distract the dungeon soldiers, David and Hook storm in to take out the guards by surprise. Once Happy and Leroy report two more dwarves missing, Emma decides to conduct an investigation. At the pawnshop, they ask Belle about anyone pawning a magic bean, but she knows of no such person. The citizens respond in outcry, though David helps to calm the crowd so Mary Margaret can resume her talking points. He catches up in time to save her from one of the Queen's knights. Mr. Gold announces he is saving his grandson alone since Emma is not capable enough. With Hook, David corners Greg at the cannery as Tamara ambushes them. FarmerSheriff of StorybrookeKnight of the Round Table (formerly)Black Knight (alternate reality)Assistant at pet shelter (formerly)Shepherd (formerly) During the journey, Wilby leads him to a cart belonging to Gabriel, a merchant headed for Longbourne. The Evil Queen announces her intent to have revenge on everyone by destroying their happiness. Once the women take off in Cruella's car, Emma learns from Belle that a box is missing from the pawnshop. "What you need to apologize for is your behavior after the fact. Giving her up was one of the hardest things Snow White had done. When Regina gets a new job that requires all of her attention, her marriage starts to take the hits. When Mary Margaret confesses her desire for another child, David tearfully admits she would make a great mother, but she won't have another baby with him due to the price of the Dreamshade cure. Later becomes a bandit and steals from Prince Charming, but she of! 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